EXCLUSIVE: Beautician’s mother flies from Poland to identify body of her ‘bubbly and beautiful’ daughter who was abducted and murdered by her jealous ex before he was found dead in police cell

  • Gabriela Kosiliko was murdered by her jealous ex-boyfriend Sebastian Zarnoch
  • Zarnoch, 30, was named by police after he was found dead in a cell on Friday 

This week the mother of Gabriela Kosilko should be wishing her ‘bubbly and beautiful’ daughter a Happy 27th Birthday – instead she will be identifying her body in a hospital mortuary.

The heartbroken mum will be living every parent’s worst nightmare as she travels from her home in Poland to the UK where her child had moved to three years ago in search of a ‘better life’ – only to be wickedly abducted and murdered by her jealous ex boyfriend.

In a cruel twist, the grieving family face more misery as the killer of the much loved beautician – known as Gabi – took his own life while in police custody, and as her aunt told MailOnline: ‘We will never get any justice.’

Sebastian Zarnoch, 30 – named by Leicestershire Police on Friday – was found dead in a cell following his arrest on suspicion of Gabi’s disappearance, and later of her murder once her body was discovered.

An investigation into his death in custody is now underway.

Gabriela Kosilko was last seen at a Tesco Express in Fosse Road North, Leicester, at 11.30pm on August 31

A post mortem into the cause of Ms Kosilko’s death will take place next week

A post mortem examination into how Gabi died at the hands of her former partner is yet to be carried out.

The victim’s former partner had pursued her since their break up a year ago and had travelled to Britain to confront her, snatching her a day after his arrival from his native Poland.

Now her grief-stricken mother Anna Kosilko has the heartache task of formally identifying her daughter’s body.

Gabi’s aunt Magdalena Bolesta said: ‘Anna is so sad. She has lost her only daughter. She is flying over here on Tuesday, and I will go with her to the morgue, she cannot do that alone.

‘We are completely devastated.What happened is horrible and heartbreaking for all her family and many friends.’

On Thursday (Sept 14) eyebrow technician Gabi, 26, who lived in a modest terraced home near her aunt in Leicester, should have been celebrating her birthday with friends.

Sebastian Zarnoch (pictured), 30, then is believed to have killed himself in a police cell after initially being arrested over Ms Kosilko’s kidnap – before her body was found

A tearful Ms Bolesta, who has a toddler son aged nearly three, told how her niece loved living in this country and had been trying to persuade her mother and younger brother to come over and join her.

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, she said it was a ‘tragic irony’ that her niece had moved to the UK to seek ‘a better life and future’ only to be robbed of it.

Speaking in the lounge at her flat – just a few miles from Gabi’s house, she said: ‘Her family come from a very small, poor village in Poland. Like so many young Eastern European people, Gabi wanted to build her future in Britain.

READ MORE: Beautician murdered by ‘jealous ex-boyfriend’ 

’She missed her family, particularly her mum and younger brother Bartek, 22, who she was very close to, and wanted them to move over too. Her brother was hoping to come over.’

But the family’s life was turned upside down when Gabi – described by her aunt as ‘bubbly, beautiful and forever smiling’ – was reported missing on Friday last week (Sept 01) after failing to return home from work the previous evening.

Ms Bolesta, who moved to the UK from Poland in 2008, said: ‘You hear stories of other young European women and children murdered in this country but you never think it will happen to your family. Gabi was happy and felt safe here and loved the opportunities living here gave her.’

She was last seen at a Tesco Express in Fosse Road North, Leicester, at 11.30pm on August 31, and her red Audi A1 was discovered four miles away the following morning.

Her aunt told of the family’s ordeal following her disappearance, explaining; ‘When I found out my niece was missing I sensed something bad had happened and was very worried.

‘Her mother wanted to come over to join in the search but they are not rich, quite poor, so my brother was paying for a flight for her.

’So many people were out looking for her, the police and all her friends.’

Then five days later came the news the family had dreaded. Gabi’s body was found on Wednesday afternoon in woodland near a lake in the Groby Pool area, north west of Leicester, hours after her killer ex died in a remand cell at the city’s Keyham Lane Police Station

Zarnoch had initially been arrested on suspicion of kidnap, before later being quizzed over his ex-girlfriend’s death

Zarnoch had initially been arrested on suspicion of kidnap, before later being quizzed over her death.

Ms Bolesta said: ‘We couldn’t believe she had been murdered, it was horrible. Polish police broke the news to Anna, and I have been speaking to her on the phone and trying to comfort her. She is at a loss.

‘A family member has to identity her body. Her mum will be doing that, it will be so painful, and I have told her I will come with her. She doesn’t speak any English.’

Giving an insight into popular Gabi, she told how she had excitedly come to the UK with her car mechanic boyfriend three years ago for ‘a new and better life.’

She said: ‘First they moved to Bristol and then later to Leicester, not far from me.’

Gabi worked in a pharmaceutical company warehouse then later set up a mobile eyebrow business. Her boyfriend, four years her senior, worked in a garage.

Ms Bolesta said: ‘But she had split up with Sebastian a year ago, and he had returned to Poland. He was very possessive and he tried to get Gabi to come back with him but she didn’t want to. She loved living here.

Following Zarnoch’s death in custody Leicestershire Police has referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) who have begun an independent investigation

‘I understand it was Gabi’s decision to end the relationship and he was not very happy. Recently she had become close friends with another man.

‘We found out Sebastian had flown to Britain on Wednesday, and come to Leicester, a day before Gabi had disappeared, but she had not even expecting him.

‘Two people have now died needlessly. He killed my niece and seemingly taken his own life, he has taken the coward’s way out. He should have faced justice over his horrific crime.’

Her partner Noel Slaney added: ’Only a crazy human being can do this to another person. You can’t get your head around it. It is shocking.’

Gabi’s family live in a village called Skop near Gizycko. Her aunt said ‘ All her family live in Poland – her parents, two older brothers and younger brother. She just had me and an uncle living over here.’

Ms Bolesta last saw her niece in February, during a reunion when Gabi’s parents had come over to visit, but was in regular social media contact with her.

She paid tribute to her as being ‘so full of life’, adding: “She was always smiling and happy and everyone liked her. Any place was full of life when she was around. And she was so pretty.’

Ms Bolesta has launched a Just Giving fundraiser to help the family repatriate her body and pay for a funeral.

She said: ‘In a day it had raised more than £8,000 of a £10,000 target with more money coming in. It is to help her parents come over and bring her home.’

Friends of Gabi have also told of their shock and horror following her murder.

One said: ‘This is horrible news. She was a lovely, friendly person who lived for her job and her little dog, and would never do anything to offend anyone.

‘Her family live in her native Poland and some members are coming over to the UK. They are devastated.’

Another said: ‘Everyone who knows her is very shocked. She has been living here for several years and had a lot of friends, mainly Polish.’

Polish food vendor Michal Kasprzycki told how she used to visit her food truck with her boyfriend but that the couple had split up.

He had last seen her alone a few weeks ago when she ordered her favourite chicken wrap, saying: ’She seemed so well and looked so happy. She had split with her boyfriend some time ago.’

He added: ‘We chatted for about ten minutes and it all looked great for her. She can never stop smiling and joking. She’s very chatty to us and is our best customer!’

Following Zarnoch’s death in custody Leicestershire Police has referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) who have begun an independent investigation.

An IOPC spokesperson said: ‘We have started an independent investigation following the death yesterday of a man who was in police custody in Leicester.

‘We have been told that at around 10am on Thursday the man was found unresponsive in his cell and death was pronounced a short time later.’

The force’s Detective Chief Inspector Mark Sinski said: ‘We continue to investigate the full circumstances surround Gabriela’s death so please get in touch if you have any information that could assist.

‘We are not looking for anyone else in connection with her death and as such the investigation file will be submitted to the coroner to be heard as part of the inquest.’

‘We would also like to reassure the local community who have been affected by the events of the last few days that officers will remain in the area while further enquiries are conducted.’

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