A MASKED thug who scalped his ex-girlfriend's mum on Halloween sent her daughter a chilling text saying: "Trick or treat, smell the blood".

Luke Mackrory left gran Nicola Murnane, 51, needing almost 50 head staples after the gruesome attack with a meat cleaver because she "had it dealt".

The 27-year-old had text his ex Victoria, saying: "Trick or treat, smell the blood. Tastes good, right? Hahaha. Still out here. Thinking of ­finishing you off. Hee Hee.”

Mackrory was yesterday caged for 14 years with four years on licence after being found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent, possession of a bladed article and threatening with a bladed article.

He was cleared of attempted murder at Reading Crown Court.

Jurors heard how on Halloween last year, Mackory headed to Nicola's home in Reading after developing an "obsessive delusion" with her during a long-running feud.


The monster – fuelled by crack cocaine and booze – pounced on the grandmother as she walked with a neighbour and slashed furiously at her.

Horrified neighbours thought her screams were just children trick or treating – with Nicola frantically holding up her arms to protect herself from his blows.

Mackrory fled on a bicycle and later recorded a haunting video saying "she had to get dealt with".

In an emotional victim impact statement, Nicola said she felt she had been "attacked by one of her children".

She still has trouble sleeping and feels "emotional, paranoid and anxious" following the brutal attack last year.


Nicola has also been diagnosed with symptoms of PTSD and suffered "life-altering injuries".

The court was told childhood pals Mackrory and ex-girlfriend Victoria had started a relationship when they were 17.

He lived with the family where Nicola "loved him like a son" but was asked to leave when he continued to spiral into drug abuse.

The fiend then concocted his evil plan to launch into a "vicious" attack on Nicola.


Sentencing him, Judge Paul Dugdale said: "You struck the front of her head and caused a severe injury. Her scalp was cleaved and the back of her head hung down revealing the flesh.

"I find that you were wholly reckless – you did not intend to kill her but you intended to cause harm. But I do not think you would have minded if you killed her.

"After the attack, you sent an incredibly callous text to your ex-girlfriend Victoria Murnane-Bell saying that you had chopped up her mother and that you were thinking about going to the hospital to 'finish her off'- that text caused extraordinary harm and had a ripple effect on the family.

"I watched a video of your interview after the incident, it was cold and callous. There was no regret or remorse by you at all. That text and that video causes the court very real worry.

"I find that you pose a significant level of risk and the risk could extend to others.

"This attack had a serious ongoing effect for her family and friends."

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