Homeowners’ fury at plans for 50ft ‘eyesore’ 5G mast amid fears it will ‘knock thousands’ off property prices

  • Three has defended the plans and said the new mast will be ‘critical’ for 5G 

Furious locals are protesting at plans to put up a 5G mast next door to their homes, claiming it will be an eyesore and ‘knock thousands’ off property prices.

Maidstone council has already received over 70 letters of objection to a proposal to place a 50ft high mast next to a bus stop in a road in Downswood, Kent.

Besides bus users, the mast would affect the residents whose homes back onto the road, with some perched only a few feet from from the proposed location.

The bid has been made by WHP Telecoms Ltd, on behalf of the Three UK network.

Despite some objectors being Three customers and relying on coverage for work, they claim there are other less intrusive spots where the mast could go.

Three say the precise location is needed to ensure ‘the widest breadth of coverage’.

An 3D rendered overlay of how the 5G mast could look in the street next to a bus stop in Downswood, Kent

Rob Hanson pictured at the location of the unpopular 5G mast near his home 

Rob Hansen is one of the householders most affected. 

He said: ‘This proposal for Downswood seems to be the most ridiculous of the lot due to the location they have selected.

‘It’s right in the heart of the neighbourhood and really close to houses with no potential at all for it to be disguised.

‘My house is only about three metres away which doesn’t seem right at all.

‘Thousands of pounds would be wiped off the value of my property.

‘There are already older masts installed alongside The Orchard Spot venue which is only a very short distance from where they are proposing.

‘It seems Three UK don’t want to use that spot as it would be slightly less convenient for them, even though the community would have no problem with another mast going there.’

Mr Hansen has produced a 3D rendered overlay of the mast to show his neighbours what the effect would be.

Tony Ellis is also from the area and agreed. He told the council: ‘The proposed mast could not be located in a more conspicuous or intrusive location.’

Liz Garner lives right where the mast would be built and added: ‘The 15m high mast would be directly outside my back garden and extremely close to my property.

‘I understand that 5G is the way forward and I am a Three customer, but I fail to see how this location would be most beneficial when there are more elevated locations within Downswood which would provide better coverage.’

She suggested the higher ground near the new Bellway Parsonage Place housing development would be a better spot.

She added: ‘The mast would obstruct the view from our first-floor windows as well as being visible even when we are sitting in our garden.

‘This is likely to cause a substantial drop in the value of my property. Should Three not have to compensate people that are negatively affected by this?’

Plans for the enormous ‘eyesore’ structure has drawn the fury and ire of locals 

Three have said the new 5G site will be ‘critical’ in improving the network speed of the area

Oliver Bryant described himself as a ‘hybrid worker,’ dependent on a good internet connection for his job.

He said: ‘When the internet went down, the mobile internet remained operational and allowed me to continue to work.

‘For that reason alone, I approve of 5G being deployed to Downswood. But why isn’t the mast being placed behind The Orchard pub as the other two masts are currently, on a site away from public view?’

Clive Farrant pleaded: ‘On behalf of the residents living on Downswood, please find a more appropriate, less conspicuous location for this monstrosity.. This will be an absolute eyesore if it is placed next to the bus stop.’

Mr Hansen added: ‘It’s not right that these telecom providers are allowed to just stick these things anywhere and bully local residents into accepting it.’

Cllr Gordon Newton represents Downswood and Otham and has said: ‘I have every sympathy with the residents. This could knock thousands of pounds off the value of the properties.

‘It is causing a lot of grief.’

A Three spokesperson said: ‘5G rollout is vital for residents and businesses of Downswood. We want to offer the community a reliable network experience and this site will be critical to making that happen.

‘Masts need to be situated where people will be using the service and, in many cases, in precise locations to ensure the widest breadth of coverage.

‘We carry out extensive searches and evaluate a wide range of options before submitting any planning applications.’

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