KAREN Matthews’ paedophile fiancé is still with her and went berserk after being arrested, yelling “c***” at neighbours as he walked back to his lover’s home.

Paul Saunders, 57, was today still holed up with Matthews in her secret bolthole and was seen getting coffee nearby at 10pm last night.

It had been falsely claimed the pair had split, but we can exclusively reveal both were very much still together this morning.

A source told The Sun: “They are still together in her house. He went mad on his way back there Thursday evening.

“Saunders was walking up the street yelling ‘c***’ at every house near to Matthews’. He’s obviously livid at being found out.”

Saunders is a convicted paedophile on the sex offenders’ register jailed for five years for abusing a child.

He was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of failing to follow notification rules in place to let authorities keep track of him.


Back in 2010 he admitted engaging in sexual activity with the teenager, making indecent images of her and two counts of sexual assault.

His victim said after his crimes were uncovered: “I feel like dirt. He makes me sick. I want him to pay.

“He should die. I hate him. I just want to get on with my life knowing that he will never be around here ever again.”

The Sun exclusively revealed Matthews and Saunders were to tie the knot after she was spotted flashing her engagement ring while the pair were out shopping.

She met her handyman fiancé when he did odd jobs at her home and he proposed over Christmas.

Matthews, jailed for faking daughter Shannon’s abduction, met him after moving to a secret home in the south of England following her release.

She has told him who she is but he seems unconcerned by her notorious past.

They are still together in her house. He went mad on his way back there Thursday evening.

His conviction in 2010 for being a paedophile saw him jailed for five years.

He had been working as a driver taking the elderly to hospital and disabled teenagers to college.

Oxford Crown Court heard his offences took place between 2006 and 2009 when his victim was aged between 15 and 17.

Saunders, then of Blackbird Leys, Oxfordshire, was only caught after he was jailed for eight weeks for benefit fraud in May the previous year.

Photographs of the victim were found on his mobile phone.

He was jailed for five years and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.

After the case his victim’s mother said: “I went barmy, to say the least. I’m sickened and disgusted by it.”

She added she had known Saunders for several years and said: “He thought he was the big man and made people afraid of him.


“He was a bully who wouldn’t stand up to a bloke but would to a female and kids.”

Matthews was jailed back in 2008 for plotting to profit from a staged kidnap of her daughter Shannon, then nine, in Dewsbury, West Yorks.

She was discovered by police under a bed at the home of Michael Donovan — the uncle of her mum’s boyfriend.

Matthews and Donovan dreamt up the fake kidnap to try to claim a £50,000 reward for her daughter’s safe return.

The vile mum was released with a new ID in April 2012 after serving half her sentence.

Her last serious boyfriend was supermarket fishmonger Craig Meehan.

The pair shared a house together in Dewsbury, West Yorks, for around five years.

He was unaware of Matthews’ plot with his uncle Michael Donovan to abduct Shannon.

But Meehan was arrested over child abuse images found on his computer by police.

He was found guilty at court and sentenced to 20 weeks in jail sentence, but was released as he had already served it on remand.

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