CHILD killers will never be released from prison if the Tories win the general election.

Justice Secretary Robert Buckland today declares that the fiends will serve a whole life term without any parole, in a major change to the current law.

At the moment, the vast majority of convicted murderers are eventually released no matter how grievous their crime.

The move is the latest in large package to toughen up punishment of the most dangerous offenders and keep them in jail for longer.

Writing for The Sun Online today, Mr Buckland explains how it will help redress the current balance away from the criminal and towards the victim.

The Cabinet justice supremo says: “It’s impossible to imagine the heartache of a parent whose child has been murdered. There’s nothing that anyone can do to take away that pain.

“Which is why the job of the justice system is not to compound that sense of overwhelming grief by piling a sense of injustice on top of it.

“Any adult who commits the crime of killing a child should spend the rest of his or her life behind bars. It is as simple as that.

In a twin approach, Mr Buckland also today announces new measures to slash re-offending.

He aims to ensure double the number of prisoners will get a job six weeks after their release, in a bid to keep them on the straight and narrow.

A dedicated Prison Education Service to oversee training across all jails will be set up, and lags will be offered more hours of work while inside.

It was also announced last month that violent criminals will no longer be automatically released half way through their jail sentences under a Government crackdown on “soft” justice.

Thousands of sexual and violent offenders will instead serve two-thirds of their prison terms, ending their entitlement to automatic release at the halfway point.

'Life really will mean life'

ByRobert Buckland QC, Justice Secretary and Conservative candidate for South Swindon

It’s impossible to imagine the heartache of a parent whose child has been murdered. When I think about my own kids, my hopes for them and the memories we have already shared, it is something I just can’t even begin to comprehend.

There’s nothing that anyone can do to take away that pain. Which is why the job of the justice system is not to compound that sense of overwhelming grief by piling a sense of injustice on top of it.

Any adult who commits the crime of killing a child should spend the rest of his or her life behind bars. It is as simple as that. That is why a future Conservative Government will change the law so that life really does mean life.

Under Boris Johnson, the Conservatives want to put justice for victims back at the heart the justice system. As Justice Secretary and Lord Chancellor, I have already started work to get rid of New Labour's laws which allowed early release at the half way point for serious violent and sexual offenders. And if we are elected on the 12th December, these new, tougher rules for child murderers will also follow.

Another key part of our plan for justice is to cut crime by reducing reoffending. That means giving less serious offenders the support they need to make a go of things on the outside and getting more of them back to work within six weeks of release. To achieve this we are going to do four things.

First, we'll create a Prison Education Service focused on work-based training and skills.

Second, we'll increase the hours worked by prisoners and give them the opportunity to develop new skills.

Third, we'll provide more prison workshops where prisoners can be employed in dedicated workspaces.

And fourth, we'll place a work coach in every prison in the country – similar to how it works in job centres – where prisoners receive CV support, the chance to develop skills and links to employers in the community.

We Conservatives know tougher sentencing for the worst criminals coupled with support for those serving time for lesser offences, will cut reoffending.

And it’s part of our wider plan for Britain. A plan to get Brexit done and get focused on our schools, our NHS and keeping our streets safe. On December 12th, voters face an important choice between that and the chaos of more Brexit delay and two more referendums under Jeremy Corbyn.

I hope we can count on your support.

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