THE UK Government has advised people in England to wear "face coverings" as part of its Covid-19 strategy.
Many other countries have required the public to wear face masks in public, while the UK offered different advice.
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Brits should wear face coverings when they are in "an enclosed space where social distancing isn't possible and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet."
The Government document released on Monday 11 May says, although wearing a face covering doesn't protect the wearer, it could protect other people if you are infected and have not yet developed symptoms.
People are specifically being asked to wear face coverings on public transport, but the new guidelines will not be enforced by law.
How to make a homemade mask
Homemade masks won't offer the same level of protection as medical-grade ones, but it hasn't stopped DIY tutorials popping up online.
One of the simplest ones involves using two layers of kitchen roll and one tissue cut in half.
You then cover each end with masking tape – and you can even tape down some wire to stiffen the mask, if you have any.
Finish by punching holes in each end and threading elastic through to fit around your ears.
If you don't have elastic bands you could also use a hair tie.
T-shirt technique
Another method involves using a T-shirt without the need for any sewing or stitching.
A YouTube tutorial by Runa Ray explains that for the T-shirt method, you need to cut out a 16in by 4in rectangle from the material.
Then fold it in half and measure 4in on either side before making an equal number of cuts along the edges with scissors.
Then turn the fabric inside out and knot each of the tails, but leave the four outer edges.
Cut two more strips of material and tie them to the ends – these are the straps that will go around your ears.
Some people have also used a vacuum cleaner bag to create a face mask, which is a bit more complicated – and only works if you have a spare, clean bag to hand.
What are the different types of face mask and how well do they work?
From dust masks to homemade coverings with cloth, there are a variety of protection methods popping up as people look for ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Here we take a look at some of the different types of face mask and how well they work…
N95 respirators
N95 masks are disposable face masks that are proven to filter the air to an industrial standard.
Manufacturers vary, but the N95 is a stamp from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to show that it is efficient.
The 'N' stands for 'Not resistant to oil' because the mask only protects against particles, not fluids, while the '95' means it filters out 95 per cent of airborne particles.
They generally have an eight-hour shelf life before becoming clogged depending on the work you're doing.
As they offer so much protection, they are used by doctors and nurses in a medical setting.
However, they have not been recommended for use to the general public yet due to supply issues for health workers.
Surgical masks
These disposable three-ply masks are fluid-resistant and they're the most common type of facial protection you'll see health care staff wearing.
They are used to prevent infected droplets from doctors, nurses and carers entering the respiratory system of the patient.
Although they don't have built-in air filters, they are considered effective enough for most staff outside of intensive care.
The nose clip can be bent to fit snugly around the nose, however they are a loose fit and the material gapes at the sides so they don't protect against all particles.
When they become wet, they're effectiveness is also reduced.
Also, they are disposable and are only intended to be worn once.
DIY dust masks (FFP)
Found in most hardware stores, dust masks can offer some level of protection from particles – if worn correctly.
If it says FFP1 then it’s a basic kind of dust mask and offers the lowest level of filtration for this kind of respirators mask.
To meet European standards, they have to be able to filter at least 80 per cent of particles – with FFP3 filtering 99 per cent.
That means that it can’t filter out tiny particles associated with viruses and bacteria.
You can also get a FFP3 mask, which looks similar but has a small filter in the middle to catch almost all airborne particles.
Short of being a full gas mask it offers the best protection – as long as it fits properly – and is more effective than N95 as well as the FFP1 and FFP2.
Cycling masks
These are generally worn by cyclists to prevent them from breathing in pollution in heavy traffic.
Usually made from neoprene, they fit tightly to the face and are intended to offer a level of protection from airborne particles.
Some are also marketed as N95, or N99 grade, which means the amount of filtered airbone particles is either 95 or 99 per cent.
Homemade masks
As many people can't get their hands on a mask, some have turned to fashioning their own.
There's been tips on using vacuum cleaner bags and even sanitary towels to cover your face.
While most won't be as effective as anything you can buy in a store, they will offer more protection than not covering your face at all.
Research by Public Health England in 2013 looked at the suitability of household materials that could be used as masks to filter bacterial and viral aerosols and found vacuum bags actually worked well.
Experts say that you should aim for multiple layers – a double layer of tightly-woven cotton with a thread count of at least 180 was one of the best barriers, according to researchers in the US.
Even a bandana, scarf or T-shirt can be used to cover your nose and mouth while in public.
Who should wear a mask?
Experts have previously said in order for the use of face coverings to be effective, nine in 10 people need to wear them.
The Government document states face coverings should not be used by children under the age of two, people with respiratory conditions as well as those who could find it hard to wear them correctly such as primary school age children.
Do masks work?
Experts are still pretty divided on their effectiveness outside of a medical setting.
Wearing a mask can act as a physical barrier to prevent infecting others if you are sick by blocking the droplets that come out when you cough or sneeze.
But some experts argue that people can accidentally infect themselves when taking a mask off or they can lead to complacency with other measures such as hand-washing.
New evidence from Hong Kong about face masks has been shared confidentially with the World Health Organisation.
The data hasn't been made public yet but it reportedly suggests that the protective gear was effective in slowing the spread in Asian countries.
Join our George Cross campaign for NHS staff
We are urging Sun readers to sign a petition calling for our NHS staff to be awarded the George Cross.
We are backing a proposal by Lord Ashcroft to honour our health heroes with the gallantry gong given for acts of bravery that did not take place in battle.
A No10 spokesman said: “The NHS is doing a fantastic job and the nation will want to find a way to say thank you when we have defeated this virus.”
SAS hero Andy McNab added: “The award of a George Cross would show an emotional appreciation.”
We are asking our readers to please sign the petition below.
Professor Susan Michie, of University College London, said there is "not good evidence" to suggest wearing masks will cut transmissions.
She said: "They do not protect against the virus getting into the eyes – only close fitting goggles do this.
"People may not fit the masks properly or take them on and off. Touching face masks and not taking them off in the correct way may mean people contaminate their hands and spread the virus.
"People may have a false sense of reassurance and thus pay less attention to other behaviours key to reducing transmission such as social distancing and hand-washing."
Paul Hunter, a professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, reviewed 31 studies which looked at the efficacy of face masks in preventing respiratory illness.
He said the research was poor, adding that it was "as easy to make an argument for opposing the widespread use of masks as it would be to make an argument promoting their use".
Most experts are in agreement that for masks to work as they are intended, they must be used correctly.
Dr Jenna Macciochi, a lecturer in immunology at the University of Sussex, told the Mail: "To be effective, a mask has to be fitted correctly, worn correctly and disposed of correctly — which is not something the general public has been trained in."
She added that not wearing one correctly is potentially more hazardous than not using one at all, as you may infect yourself with the particles the mask is protecting you against when you take it off.
The WHO says surgical masks can only help when used with other preventative measures such as frequent hand-washing.
What is the guidance on masks in the UK?
Many other countries are asking its citizens to wear a mask, such as France and the US.
Although people in the UK are not being advised to wear masks, they are now being advised to wear 'face coverings' on public transport or in shops.
Scotland has recommended people use face coverings (not masks), for example fabric such as a scarf, to cover their nose and mouth.
Northern Ireland has issued the same advice on face coverings.
There are worries inside the NHS that if the UK government change the policy and advise all Brits wear a mask it could mean there wouldn't be enough for health workers.
The UK government has said asking people to wear face coverings isn't the same as asking people to wear face masks.
Speaking on May 5, the UK government's chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, said wearing face masks had a "marginal but positive" impact on the spread of infection.
"Where masks may have a role is where distancing isn't possible, where there might be undue crowding," he added.
But Sir Patrick says wearing a mask should not replace social distancing and hand washing – which are both vital.
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