What IS an XL Bully? Government releases official definition amid warnings dog will be ‘impossible to track’ once ban comes into place because it is not a recognised breed

XL Bully dogs will be banned in England and Wales from the end of this year, the Government confirmed today as it released an official definition of the breed.

New rules due to come into force on December 31 will make it illegal to breed, sell, advertise, exchange, gift, rehome, abandon or allow XL Bully dogs to go stray. Owners will also have to muzzle the dogs under a law change laid in Parliament.

The regulations will also be illegal to own an XL Bully from February 1, 2024, unless the animal is on an exempt list, which is called the Index of Exempted Dogs. The two dates have been staggered to allow owners to prepare for the new rules.

Those wanting to keep their dogs will have until the end of January to register them with the list, and will then have to comply with strict requirements to keep them – including the requirement to muzzle them and keep them on a lead in public.

Owners without a certificate of exemption will face a criminal record and an unlimited fine if they are found to be in possession of an XL Bully as of February 1.

An official definition of the breed has now been published, with features including a ‘heavy, large and broad’ head and a ‘blocky or slightly squared’ muzzle.

The dog is also described as being ‘heavily-muscled’ with a ‘large, blocky body giving impression of great power for size’, and a glossy, smooth and close coat.

It comes after dog behaviour expert Stan Rawlinson told MailOnline it is ‘impossible to track’ XL Bully dogs because they are not an official breed. 

Here, MailOnline publishes this definition from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and answers some of the key questions about the ban:

Official Government definition of an XL Bully dog 

General impression

  • Large dog with a muscular body and blocky head, suggesting great strength and power for its size. Powerfully built individual.


  • Adult male from 20in (51 cm) at the withers
  • Adult female from 19in (48cm) at the withers


  • Heavy, large and broad
  • The length from the tip of the nose to a well-defined stop (indentation between muzzle and the head) is equal to around a 1/3 of the length from the stop to the back of the head
  • Muzzle blocky or slightly squared to fall away below the eyes
  • Topline of muzzle straight
  • Prominent cheek muscles with strong, well-defined jaws and lips semi-close
  • Often having prominent wrinkles on face
  • Nose is large with well opened nostrils


  • Level or scissor bite.

READ MORE American XL Bully dogs are officially banned: New rules are revealed with owners barred from selling or breeding them and all animals having to be neutered – and requiring muzzle and lead in public


  • Heavy, muscular, slightly arched, tapering from the shoulders to the base of the skull
  • Medium in length


  • Shoulder blades are long, well-muscled and well laid back
  • Upper arm length is about equal to the length of the shoulder blades and joined at a 35 to 45 angle to the ground
  • Front legs straight, strong and very muscular with dog standing high on the pasterns (area between feet and ankles)
  • Elbows set close to the body
  • Distance from the withers to elbows about the same as the distance from the elbow to the bottom of the feet


  • Heavily-muscled
  • Large, blocky body giving impression of great power for size
  • Broad, deep chest with well sprung ribs
  • Chest may be wider than deep
  • Topline level and straight
  • Loin short and firm
  • Generally appears square shaped from point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks compared with the withers (tallest point on the dogs body excluding head and shoulders) to the ground


  • Strong, muscular and broad
  • Thighs well developed with thick musculature
  • From behind, both pasterns are typically straight and parallel to each other
  • Muscular development, angulation and width in balance with forequarters


  • Rounded, medium in size and in proportion to body
  • Compact and well arched


  • Medium length and low set
  • Tapers to a point to end at about the level of the hocks
  • Generally assumes a straight or pump handle shape when dog relaxed


  • Glossy, smooth, close, single


  • Bite: the relative position of the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed.
  • Coat: the hairy outer covering of the skin.
  • Croup: part of the back from the front of the pelvis to root of the tail.
  • Forequarters: the front part of dog excluding head and neck.
  • Hindquarters: rear part of dog from behind the loin.
  • Loin: the region between the last rib and the beginning of the pelvis.
  • Muzzle: the length from the tip of the nose to the stop.
  • Pasterns: the pastern is the lower part of the foreleg, just above the foot and below the wrist. Similarly, in the hind leg, the pastern is the portion located above the foot and below the heel (also known as the hock). Every canine possesses a pair of front and rear pasterns.
  • Scissor bite: the upper front teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
  • Spring of rib: degree of curvature of rib cage
  • Tail set: the position of the tail on the croup
  • Topline: an outline after the withers to the tail set. Viewed from the side of the dog or from above.
  • Withers: the highest point of body immediately behind the neck where height is measured.

What has the Government said on XL Bully dogs?

The Government has said XL Bully dogs will be banned from the end of the year, by adding the breed to the list of dogs prohibited under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

New rules from December 31 will make it illegal to breed, sell, advertise, exchange, gift, rehome, abandon or allow XL Bully dogs to go stray in England and Wales.

Owners will also be required to muzzle the dogs under a law change in Parliament.

It will also be illegal to own an XL bully from February 1, 2024, unless the animal is on an exempt list, called the Index of Exempted Dogs.

What if you want to keep your XL Bully?

Those who want to keep their dogs have until January 31, 2024 to register them with the exempt list, and will then have to comply with strict requirements to keep them.

This will include the requirement to muzzle them and keep them on a lead in public, but the dogs must also be microchipped and neutered.

How do you get a certificate of exemption?

People will have until January 31, 2024 to apply for this exemption – with applications charged at £92.40, which the Government said was to cover administration costs.

It said more information on how to apply for an exemption will be provided ‘soon’.

When do you need to neuter your XL Bully?

READ MORE Horror as man in his mobility scooter attacked by ‘XL Bully’ dog as terrified onlooker tries to fight animal off before also being bitten

If someone’s dog is one year old or older on January 31, 2024, it must be neutered by June 30, 2024. If their dog is less than one year old on January 31, 2024, it must be neutered by December 31, 2024.

The Government says: ‘We recommend that you arrange for your dog to be neutered as soon as possible to ensure that you meet these deadlines.’

Once someone’s XL Bully dog has been neutered, they should ask their vet to fill in the proof of neutering form and return to it Defra. If the dog has already been neutered, they can ask their vet to fill in the same form and return to Defra.

If neutering was undertaken by a different vet or at a different practice, the current vet may have to check neutering has taken place. A fee may have to be paid for the vet to do this. Owners can also contact their previous vet to fill in the form.

The Government said the relevant forms and contact details will be provided shortly.

What requirements are there of the owner?

Owners must be over 16 years old and take out insurance against their dog injuring other people, which is provided through Dogs Trust membership.

They should be able to show your certificate of exemption when asked by a police officer or a council dog warden, either at the time or within five days.

What is the requirement on muzzles and leads?

From December 31, 2023, XL Bully dogs must wear a muzzle and be kept on a lead when in a public place.

The Government is recommending that owners should start to train their dogs to wear a muzzle when in public and to walk on a lead before this date.

It added that animal welfare groups such as Blue Cross, Dogs Trust and PDSA have developed a range of free resources to support owners to muzzle train their dogs.

Will there be a criminal penalty for breaching the rules?

Owners without a certificate of exemption will face a criminal record and an unlimited fine if they are found to be in possession of an XL Bully as of February 1, 2024, and their dog could be seized.

Owners whose dogs are dangerously out of control are already breaking the law, and under the Dangerous Dogs Act people can be put in prison for up to 14 years, be disqualified from ownership or their dangerous dogs can be euthanised.

What if you choose to euthanise the dog?

The Government said owners of XL Bully dogs can take them to a registered vet to euthanise them.

It said owners will be able to claim £200 compensation towards the costs  – with the owner and the vet needing to fill in a compensation form to make a claim.

The Government said it would provide more information on how to apply for this compensation ‘soon’.

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How do you know if your dog is an XL Bully?

An official definition of the breed has now been published by the Government, with features of the breed including a ‘heavy, large and broad’ head and a ‘blocky or slightly squared’ muzzle.

It is also described as being ‘heavily-muscled’ with a ‘large, blocky body giving impression of great power for size’, and a glossy, smooth and close coat.

The Government said: ‘We recommend taking a precautionary approach. If you’re not sure if you have an XL Bully dog, you should comply with all new requirements for this dog type. This includes puppies that may grow up to be an XL Bully dog.’

Who has announced the change?

Environment Secretary Therese Coffey confirmed she was adding the breed to the list of dogs prohibited under the Dangerous Dogs Act, adding that ministers had taken ‘quick and decisive action to protect the public from tragic dog attacks’.

She added: ‘It will soon become a criminal offence to breed, sell, advertise, rehome or abandon an XL bully-type dog, and they must also be kept on a lead and muzzled in public. In due course it will also be illegal to own one of these dogs without an exemption.

‘We will continue to work closely with the police, canine and veterinary experts, and animal welfare groups, as we take forward these important measures.’

What has Rishi Sunak said about XL Bully dogs?

Rishi Sunak had described XL Bully dogs as a ‘danger to our communities’ when he promised to instigate a ban following a spate of attacks involving the dogs over the summer, but said that work needed to be done to define the breed.

What have XL Bully dogs done in recent months?

Earlier this month, a woman was injured after she was attacked by her own American XL bully in Norfolk.

Last month, Ian Price, a 52-year-old man from Staffordshire, died in hospital after being attacked by two American XL bullies.

In November last year, Jack Lis, 10, was killed by a American XL bully while at a friend’s house in South Wales. The owners of the dog, Amy Salter and Brandon Haydon, were jailed as a result of the attack.

READ MORE Male model whose two XL Bully dogs carried out frenzied attack on another dog leaving its owner ‘covered in blood and fur’ is jailed for four months

What do XL Bully owners think?

Owners of the breed have staged protests against the ban, including a march through London in September, where demonstrators did not bring their dogs.

Is there anything changing from now?

Ahead of the ban coming into force, breeders have been told to stop mating XL Bully-type dogs.

What are the other banned dogs in Britain?

The XL bully joins a list of other banned dogs under the Dangerous Dogs Act, including the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Fila Brasileiro and Dogo Argentino.

What about buying or selling XL Bully dogs?

From December 31, 2023 it will be illegal to rehome, sell, buy, or transfer ownership of an XL Bully dog to another person.

The Government advises that people visit the Petfished website to find out how to spot the signs of a deceitful pet seller.

Will you be allowed to breed XL Bully dogs?

It will be a criminal offence to breed XL Bully dogs from December 31, 2023. This includes breeding from an XL Bully dog, or allowing for an XL Bully dog to be bred from any combination of other dogs.

It will not be an offence to allow a litter of puppies that have already been conceived to be born. If the puppies are born after December 31, 2023, it will be an offence to sell them or to rehome them.

The Government said this is why it recommends XL Bully breeders should stop all breeding activity now as it will be a criminal offence to sell, transfer, exchange, gift or advertise these dogs from December 31, 2023.

There is a nine-week period until the ban on selling comes into force to allow puppies that were bred before the legislation was introduced to be legally sold. 

It will remain the case that puppies must not be sold before they are eight weeks old.

If you purchased a puppy before December 31, 2023, but it is less than eight weeks old at that point, you will still be able to collect it legally when it is eight weeks old.

Demonstrators march through London in October in protest against the ban on XL Bully dogs

What about stray and abandoned dogs?

From December 31, 2023, it will be illegal to abandon an XL Bully dog or allow it to stray.

If you find a stray or abandoned dog, you should contact your local council who are responsible under law for providing a stray dog service.

Rescue and rehoming centres?

From December 31, 2023, it will be illegal to rehome, sell or transfer ownership of XL Bully dogs. From this date rescue and rehoming centres should not rehome XL Bully dogs.

From December 31, 2023, it will be a criminal offence to rehome XL Bully dogs. But the Government said it will be for rehoming centres to decide whether to apply to the Index for a Certificate of Exemption to keep these dogs, or to euthanise them.

Rescue and rehoming organisations will be able to claim a £100 contribution towards any euthanasia cost.

How will vets be affected by the ban?

Vets may be asked by XL Bully owners to euthanise their dog when the compensation scheme opens. Owners can claim up to £200 per dog, and rescue centres may claim £100. 

The Government said it is up to owners to use the official definition and guidance to determine if their dog is within the scope of the ban, but vets should be able to recognise dogs as being an XL Bully for the purposes of undertaking euthanasia.

Vets will not be expected to report XL Bully dogs and their owners to the police.

Injuries and deaths after attacks by XL Bully type dogs

Jonathan Halstead, 35

Jonathan Halstead, 35 – January 29, 2020

Jonathan died after a severe neck injury and bites after being attacked in his home in Oldham, Greater Manchester by his pet Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bronson.

It is believed the dog attacked him when his its owner suffered an epileptic fit.

Jack Lis, 10

Jack Lis, 10 – November 8, 2021

Schoolboy Jack Lis, 10, suffered catastrophic injuries in the mauling by an American XL Bully dog called Beast while visiting a friend’s home in Penyrheol in Caerphilly, Wales on November 8, 2021.

Neighbours and Welsh Ambulance Service paramedics desperately tried to save him but he died at the scene. Armed police destroyed the dog on site.

Adam Watts, 55

Adam Watts, 55 – December 22, 2021 

Adam Watts, 55, was attacked at the Juniper Kennels and Cattery in Kirkton of Auchterhouse, near Dundee, and was pronounced dead at the scene on December 22, 2021. 

MARCH 21, 2022: Undated family handout photo issued by Merseyside Police of Bella-Rae Birch

Bella-Rae Birch, 17 months – March 21, 2022

Toddler Bella-Rae Birch was attacked by her family’s pet American Bully XL dog when she was just 17 months old.

The vicious dog snatched the child out of her mother’s arms while they were at their home in Blackbrook, St Helens, Merseyside, on March 21 last year.

Keven Jones, 62

Keven Jones, 62 – May 28, 2022

Keven Jones died after he was attacked by an American Bully XL dog in Wrexham, Wales on May 28 last year.

Ambulance workers attempted to save him but they were unable to stop his left leg from bleeding.

Mr Jones was then pronounced dead at his son’s house following the attack. 

Joanne Robinson, 43

Joanne Robinson, 43 – July 15, 2022

Mother-of-two Joanne Robinson, 43, was killed by her American Bully XL dog, Rocco, after it ‘turned mad in the extreme heat’ in July last year.

She died at the scene of the attack at home in Rotherham, South Yorkshire while her partner, Jamie Stead, was left with injuries to his hands, stomach and face as he tried to pull the animal off her.

Joanne’s mother Dot, of Wath-upon-Dearne, South Yorkshire, revealed at the time that Rocco had previously fought with their other dog Lola – and she had warned her daughter to ‘get rid of one of them’.

Ian ‘Wiggy’ Symes, 34

Ian Symes, 34 – August 2022 

Ian ‘Wiggy’ Symes, 34, who is understood to have been walking a Bully XL dog himself at a recreation ground in Fareham, Hampshire, died at the scene following a horrific dog attack in August 2022.

His devastated family said he was out dog walking and ‘doing something he loved’ when he died at the field in Fareham, Hampshire.

Ann Dunn, 65

Ann Dunn, 65 – October 3, 2022

Ann Dunn, 65, was found collapsed with ‘catastrophic injuries’ at her Liverpool home she shared with seven dogs on October 3 last year.

She was mauled to death by dogs including an American Bully XL – and had been sent to hospital a year before her death because she had been bitten by a dog. 

Shirley Patrick, 83

Shirley Patrick, 83 – December 3, 2022

Widowed grandmother Shirley Patrick, 83, died after being viciously mauled by an XL Bully in her own home.

The retired nurse died in hospital 17 days after suffering ‘life-threatening injuries’ during the ‘hellish’ and ‘violent’ dog attack in Caerphilly, South Wales on December 3 last year.

Jonathan Hogg, 37

Jonathan Hogg, 37 – May 18, 2023

Jonathan Hogg, 37, was mauled to death by an American XL Bully dog after it turned on him while he was looking after it for a friend.

He entered the dogs’ pen when it went for him, leaving bite wounds on his arm, leg and head, an inquest heard.

He was rushed to hospital but died of his injuries after the mauling in Leigh, Greater Manchester, on May 18 this year.

Ian Price, 52

Ian Price, 52 – September 14, 2023

On Thursday, September 14, ‘pillar of the community’ Ian Price, 52, was attacked and killed by two ‘devil’ XL Bully dogs after they jumped out of his neighbour’s window in Stonnall, Staffordshire.

Mr Price, from Stonnall, Staffordshire, was attacked and killed by the two dogs which jumped out of a neighbour’s window yards from a primary school. He reportedly died defending his elderly mother from the animals.

The dogs bit him and ripped the clothes from his body leaving him dying in a pool of blood in his boxer shorts in the horror attack just feet from his home.

Ian Langley, 54

Ian Langley, 54 – October 3, 2023

Ian Langley, 54, was set upon on the estate in Sunderland on October 3 this year by an enormous XL Bully dog which grabbed him by the neck as he bent down to pick up his Patterdale terrier pup.

The attack left Mr Langley needing CPR for around 15 minutes as emergency services fought to staunch heavy bleeding from his wounds. However he tragically succumbed to his injuries. His dog survived.

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