MILITIA mobs, white supremacists and QAnon obsessives inspired by the Capitol riots pose a greater terror threat in the US than ISIS this year, an intelligence report warns.

A joint Intelligence Bulletin by the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Counterterrorism Center also warns brainwashed extremists are ready to "martyr" themselves for the cause.

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The bulletin was issued to law enforcement agencies across the US following the storming of Congress by a mob of Trump supporters last week.

Intelligence experts warned right-wing extremists view the January 6 Capitol riots – which left five dead – as a "success".

Warning of potential further attacks, they said anti-government plotters see violence "as a step toward achieving their initiatives".

And much like ISIS fanatics, they "consider the death of a perceived like-minded individual as an act of martyrdom."

The bulletin lists the threat from paramilitary groups, racist extremists and obsessives "citing political grievances", who together "will very likely pose the greatest domestic terrorism threats in 2021."

It says: "In 2021, threats and plotting of illegal activity, including the destruction of property and violence targeting officials at all levels of the government, law enforcement, journalists, and infrastructure… will very likely increase."

And it warns last week's breach of the US Capitol will "very likely will serve as a significant driver of violence for a diverse set of domestic violent extremists."

It also predicts increased future collaboration between the various armed militia groups, white supremacists and Qanon conspiracy nuts, who are "galvanized" by their joint efforts at the Capitol.

Some of those pictured rioting at Congress wore emblems of right-wing extremist groups such as Three Percenters and the Oath Keepers, whose leader has vowed to take up arms to keep Trump in power.

Another Capitol intruder wore a sweatshirt referencing Nazi death camp Auschwitz, and others carried Confederate flags.

The bulletin says "ideological drivers" including the QAnon conspiracy are likely to inspire "more sporadic, lone actor or small cell violence" against common targets like ethnic minorities, law enforcement and government officials.


The joint intelligence report comes after the Secret Service reportedly warned of mass armed protests in Washington DC before and after Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20.

A loose internet-based network of right-wing extremists called the "Boogaloo Boys" has been identified as spearheading the planned demo.

And the FBI said violent protests are expected in all 50 state capitals in the next two weeks.

Trouble could be worse outside DC as a massive security operation in the national capital is likely to keep any serious threats at bay, experts say.

Federal agents are investigating whether the January 6 Congress riot was a planned attack rather than a protest that got out of control.

Some invaders were armed with weapons and carrying zip ties, and a number of improvised bombs were discovered nearby.

More than 100 suspects have been arrested following the riots, but charge documents to do make reference to individuals' membership of any extremists groups, AP reports.

Yesterday Donald Trump was impeached for the second time, accused of inciting insurrection.

He is alleged to have stoked supporters before they storm Congress to stop lawmakers from rubber-stamping the election result.

Last night Trump appeared in a new video calling for calm and slamming last week's violence as a "calamity".



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