‘My boy is like a puppy again’: Could turmeric tablets put a spring back in your dog’s step? See these ageing dogs’ tail-wagging transformations!

Ad Feature by FutureYou Cambridge

It’s so uplifting to watch our dogs running around outside; tails wagging, enjoying the summer days and full of energy when they welcome us home. But dogs, like humans, have a finely balanced muscular-skeletal system.

Unlike humans, dogs can’t tell us when they’re not feeling 100 per cent. Often it’s only a gradual change of behaviour that can alert us that there’s something amiss.

That’s the case for thousands of ageing dogs, who rely on their caring owners to notice.

Many owners think the slowing down is just down to old age, but more people are discovering that not only are turmeric supplements good for humans, but could be just the trick for our four legged friends too.

With many of us turning to turmeric as we age, your beloved dog could also benefit from taking the supplement 

‘Our customers started telling us they were giving our human turmeric to their pets’ reveals Adam Cleevely from health supplement company FutureYou Cambridge.

‘Their feedback was so positive that we created a special formulation for dogs – CurcuPet-K9*. Pets in the UK are living longer, just like their owners and they need the same help to deal with issues many of us experience with age.’

‘What can I say; my boy is like a puppy again’

This was certainly the experience of 46-year-old lawyer Ian Mackenzie, who lives in Buckinghamshire and started giving his beloved nine-year-old Hungarian Dachshund, Max, CurcuPet-K9 after he found turmeric had previously helped him with his own health issues.

‘I first noticed that Max wasn’t as comfortable going up the stairs, and there are stairs everywhere, as I live in a four-storey house’ explains Ian.

Max, a Hungarian Dachshund, had become uncomfortable climbing the stairs which was a problem as he lived in a four-storey house with owner Ian Mackenzie, 46

‘I was worried and had his spine checked at the vet, but thankfully he was given the all clear so I thought he may just be getting old.

‘However, his change in behaviour was niggling me and I remembered that friends had recommended that I take turmeric, when I was unwell, and I do feel that it gave me more energy.

‘I had a chat with a local pet nutritionist and despite Max having a wonderful diet, he wasn’t having any turmeric. That’s when I discovered CurcuPet-K9, an advanced turmeric supplement developed specifically for dogs.

‘My boy is like a puppy again’: Ian was impressed with the ‘noticeable difference’ in Max as he became more like his old self

‘What can I say; my boy is like a puppy again. Max now flies around the house, and doesn’t stop at the top of the stairs. It’s made a noticeable difference – he can even get on the dining room table if I turn my back for long enough!’

‘For us, it’s absolutely fantastic’

Similarly, Sheila Peddieson from Rothbury, Northumberland first noticed that her beloved ‘cuddle monster’ – a 9-year-old Working Cocker Spaniel named Gigi – had developed a problem after she jumped off the bed one morning.

‘She sleeps with us, but the bed is really quite high, and I noticed that she started to limp quite badly after she jumped down,’ says Sheila.

Sheila took Gigi to the vet for an X-ray to check, but nothing showed up.

‘Then she stopped me from taking her on her walks. We’d get as far as one street away and she’d put the brakes on, as if to say, ‘I’ve had enough, I want to go home.’

‘Then my cousin suggested I try making a turmeric paste for her. So I did that for a while, but I didn’t really see much of a difference.’

9-year-old Working Cocker Spaniel Gigi had been struggling with long walks… until she started taking turmeric supplement CurcuPet-K9

But that left Sheila open to the idea of turmeric when she came across an ad for CurcuPet-K9. ‘I thought, ‘Right, I’ll try this.’ For Gigi, the transformation was remarkable.

‘Honestly, she stopped limping within about a week,’ says Sheila. ‘And she wanted to go back on her walks, going the full distance. I’ve kept her on CurcuPet-K9 ever since. I give her two a day, one in the morning, and one at 4:30pm with her evening meal. It’s helped her greatly.

‘I’ve recommended CurcuPet-K9 to friends who have older dogs. All I can say is: try it. For us, it’s absolutely fantastic.’

CurcuPet-K9 was formulated by FutureYou Cambridge, a leading UK supplement developer, and it works in a very similar way to the innovative joint health supplement they developed for people, called Turmeric+.

Leading UK supplement developer FutureYou Cambridge have developed a canine-friendly supplement that works similarly to their innovative Turmeric+ formula 

The key active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, but it’s difficult for our bodies – whether human or canine – to absorb.

To make it more ‘bioavailable’, the scientists at FutureYou Cambridge use a patented formulation, combining a curcumin extract with soy lecithin, that’s 30 times more absorbable in humans than a standard turmeric powder.

It’s now become the world’s most scientifically documented bioavailable curcumin formulation, featured in 45 human studies involving over 2,000 people.# 

‘He really seems to be enjoying life again’

Alyson Taylor-Gray is another relieved dog owner. She noticed her beloved 11-year-old chocolate Labrador, Rolo, couldn’t get up easily from his basket in the morning. A friend of hers, the editor of a popular dog magazine, recommended turmeric tablets and spoke highly of FutureYou Cambridge’s formulation, which she had tried with her own dog.

At 11 years old, Rolo used to not get up from his basket in the morning but now rushes to the gate before every walk

‘I’m so pleased with how happy Rolo appears now he’s taking the turmeric supplements, he really seems to be enjoying life again,’ says Alyson.

‘Before I started Rolo on the turmeric tablets he didn’t want to walk very far. Now he grabs his lead when I mention a walk and rushes to the gate. ‘

Research shows that dogs are living longer, and like humans, they slow down as they get older. Maintaining joint mobility and flexibility coincides with the prolonging of a normal active lifestyle.

Vicki J Adams, Chief Executive of the Animal Cancer Trust says:

‘I cannot overemphasise the importance of keeping fit and active to prevent so many health issues. Many of the health challenges in humans can also affect our pets. Being active is also good for their psychological wellbeing.’

‘By the time we finished the first pack, she seemed two years younger again.’

76-year-old Ken Calder from Inverness, couldn’t agree more.

‘According to my doctor, I’m fitter than most folk half my age – and he puts that down to walking my 12-year-old Border Collie, Caley,’ Ken is a veteran designer of leather jackets and the chairman of Aero Leather Clothing Limited.

Ken Calder say that his 13-year-old Border Collie Caley regularly gets confused for a puppy – something he credits to CurcuPet-K9

‘She’s my constant companion, one of the family. She’s 13 but people still call her ‘the puppy’. And I put a lot of that down to CurcuPet-K9.’

‘By the time she was getting on to be eight or nine, she was having trouble. You could see that her legs weren’t right, but she’d keep running until you made her stop.

‘I then thought I’d give CurcuPet-K9 a try. And by the time we finished the first pack, she seemed two years younger again.’

Ken has kept her regularly on the supplement ever since. ‘She’s out twice a day and still goes swimming. She’s totally obsessed with playing football. And she still wants to play at night, so her energy is incredible.’

‘I’m dead chuffed with CurcuPet-K9. I tell people about it all the time.’

How to claim your dog’s £5 trial of CurcuPet-K9 

To claim your dog’s exclusive subscription trial of CurcuPet-K9, visit futureyouhealth.com/WOOF23. Alternatively, please call us on freephone 0800 808 5740 quoting the code ‘WOOF23’. You’ll pay £5 and receive a pack containing 56 tablets. 

After your trial, your subsequent subscription orders will cost £14 (including free delivery) and be delivered automatically every 112/56/28 days depending on the size of your dog*.

If you wish to amend, pause or cancel your subscription after your trial, simply visit futureyouhealth.com or call on freephone 0800 808 5740, without obligation.

The Customer Care Team is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday.

If a subscription trial isn’t for you, you can simply order CurcuPet-K9 and get £5 off your first pack. Quote code ‘WOOF86’ when you checkout online or over the phone on 0800 808 5740.

*Offer valid until 31st December 2023. One use per customer. Offer cannot be combined with any other offers / discounts or used against existing subscriptions. Full terms and conditions available here.

*CurcuPet-K9 is a dietary food supplement specifically formulated for use in adult dogs. It is not intended to restore, treat or correct physiological function in pets. You should keep your vet advised of any concerns you have about your pet’s health, and make sure they are aware of any supplements your pet is taking.

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