PATIENTS are being urged to get a flu and Covid double vaccination this winter – but at least a week apart.

Not enough is known about potential side effects of having both together.

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Pharmacists – who perform large numbers of flu jabs every year – say take a break between the two jabs due to little data available on any side effects.

Provisional guidance published by Public Health England also suggests a gap of at least seven days when the roll-out is underway.

Andrew Lane, chair of the National Pharmacy Association, last night said: “It’s better to get your flu jab and Covid vaccination at least a week apart, because we currently lack data about the effects of having the flu and Covid vaccines close together.”

“Talk to your pharmacist or GP as soon as possible about getting the NHS flu vaccine, which is free to older people and other eligible groups.

“If your pharmacy can’t vaccinate you immediately then keep in touch with them so you can get the jab as soon as stock becomes available.

“Everyone is understandably excited about the COVID vaccines, but we urge people not to forget about another virus that can kill – flu.

“Flu vaccinations are more important than ever this year, because if you get flu and coronavirus at the same time, you’re more likely to be seriously ill or even die.

“We absolutely must avoid hospitals being overwhelmed by a double whammy of flu and coronavirus cases.”

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