Beirut: Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's underpants were obtained by an undercover source and DNA tested to prove his identity before an operation by US forces to kill him, an adviser to the Syrian Democratic Forces says.

Polat Can, a senior adviser to the Kurdish-led SDF, gave details on Twitter about how SDF intelligence work had helped locate Baghdadi, whose death was announced by US President Donald Trump on Sunday.

People look at a destroyed houses near the village of Barisha, in Idlib province, Syria after an operation by the US military that targeted Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Credit:AP

"Our own source, who had been able to reach Baghdadi, brought Baghdadi's underwear to conduct a DNA test and make sure [100 per cent] that the person in question was Baghdadi himself," Can said on Monday.

Trump has said that the Kurds provided some information "helpful" to the operation.

Can said the SDF had been working since May 15 with the CIA to track Baghdadi, and managed to confirm that he had moved from Deir al-Zor in eastern Syria to Idlib province, where he was killed.

Kids stand by their damaged home in the village of Barisha, in Idlib province, Syria, after an operation by the US military which targeted Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.Credit:AP

Baghdadi had been about to change location to the Syrian town of Jarablus when the operation happened, he said.

"All intelligence and access to Baghdadi as well as the identification of his place, were the result of our own work. Our intelligence source was involved in sending co-ordinates, directing the airdrop, participating in and making the operation a success until the last minute," Can said.

Meanwhile, US authorities have disposed of Baghdadi's remains and have no plans to release photos or videos of his death at this time, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army General Mike Milley, said.

Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest to kill himself as US forces closed in on him, Trump said.

"The disposal of his remains has been done and is complete and was handled appropriately," Milley told reporters at a Pentagon briefing on Monday.

Baghdadi was given a burial at sea and afforded religious rites according to Islamic custom, a US official told Reuters.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, did not disclose further details, including how or where the ritual was performed.


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