Dylan Dreyer of the Today Show rang in 2020 by welcoming her second son, Oliver George, with husband Brian Fichera. Big brother Calvin, 3, had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of his new sibling, and now the family of four is enjoying some quality time while Dreyer is on maternity leave.

The meteorologist has been checking in via video on a weekly basis with her co-hosts, giving them updates on life at home. While each call has shared the joy of her infant son, Dreyer recently shared that they’ve been hitting some bumps in the road that will sound all too familiar to moms of multiples.

And baby makes four

According to People, Dreyer’s second son Oliver George made his grand entrance at 9:13 a.m. on Thursday, January 2, 2020, weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and measuring 19 inches long,

When the Today co-host called in to share her happy news with her colleagues, she couldn’t hold back her joy. “All I do is stare at him,” Dreyer said told her co-hosts on her first call-in after delivery. “I just want to kiss him every second. And he’s got a ton of hair.”

Dreyer revealed that it had been a challenge to keep big brother Calvin waiting for his new sibling. “Calvin woke up, he wanted to get dressed, he wanted to come with us [to the hospital]. I said, ‘Mommy and Daddy have to leave, but you’re gonna come to the hospital and meet Oliver today,’” Dryer shared. “He had his shoes on and his jacket on. He was so ready to come! And then he walks in with this huge smile on his face. He sits on my lap and he looks at Oliver and he asks to hold him right away. It was perfect.”

Reports from maternity leave

Since Oliver’s welcome into the world, Dreyer has been sharing the latest happenings from home with her co-hosts through weekly video calls. “I feel like I’m in heaven,” she said on January 10, according to Today.com.

Dreyer noted that her experience with Oliver was quite different from her first go-round on leave with a newborn. “I don’t know, second time around maternity leave, it’s like you just appreciate every moment that much more,” she said. “I feel fantastic. We get sleep during the day. For the most part he’s so chill. I don’t know what’s going on this time around, it seems just so easy, knock on wood.”

Calvin also appeared to be relishing his role as big brother. “It’s been going really, really well,” Dreyer shared. “Yesterday he was like, ‘I want Oliver to come and pick me up from school.’ He’s just so good with him.”

‘Rock bottom’

Dreyer’s most recent call in to her co-hosts was a little different, sharing that the family of four had run into some snags during their blissful baby time.

“Not gonna lie. This week is kind of a rock bottom week. Calvin is acting out. He’s screaming in his bedroom right now,” she admitted on February 7. “They wouldn’t allow him in school ‘cause he wouldn’t stop kicking and screaming. But I think it’s because he’s [Oliver] been more needy this week… he’s up all night. He’s crying all the time. He’s needed a lot of attention, so it’s just spiraling out of control right now.”

The journalist revealed a go-to that was helping her keep her sanity while awaiting the arrival of a family member called in for assistance. “There’s an open bottle of wine, so I’ve been drinking wine at night,” Dreyer said. “I’m gonna use this moment as a PSA ‘cause it’s been all great up until this point and this week everything is just, I think we’re calling in my father-in-law to come in this weekend, just for reinforcements.”

Fellow co-host and dad of three Al Roker reassured Dreyer that this was all part of the process. “This too shall pass,” he said.

Dreyer’s call unexpectedly brought some much-needed assistance from her colleague and close pal. Co-host Sheinelle Jones, mom of three, could tell her friend needed an extra set of hands and went over to Dreyer’s to help with the kids.

“While momma @dylandreyernbc cooks dinner … Auntie Sheinelle snuggles and takes a million selfies,” Jones posted on Instagram.

Jones selfless act drew praise from followers. “You’re a great friend!” one fan wrote. “So precious,” another commented.

Another follower shared empathy for Dreyer on how challenging it can be to raise young children. “Everyone needs someone to help them out when they have a new baby,” the fan wrote. “There is so much pressure to be the perfect Mom without saying anything about how hard new motherhood is. A friend that will come over when you need it is the best kind of friend.”

Dreyer’s authenticity on showing a real picture of motherhood and Jones’ example of friendship are why viewers keep tuning in to Today!

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