NETFLIX fantasy drama The Witcher has presented its cast with all manner of challenges.

Extensive hair, makeup and prosthetics, nudity aplenty and gruelling workout regimes are just some facets of the drama that have kept the cast on their toes.

However, Yennefer actress Anya Chalotra has admitted that it was the show’s jumping passage of time that tested her acting skills the most.

Yennefer first undergoes an extreme transformation after being taken in by mages, with her misaligned spine and jaw twisted into shape in disturbing scenes.

However, that was just the tip of the iceberg, as she was also expected to portray a whopping 60-year timeframe in the character’s life.

"The most challenging aspect, was like, I'm in my 20s, and I play from the age of 14 to late 70s, I mean, that is the biggest time I've ever been on as an actor," Chalotra explained.

"But I love it, it's so exciting to play, I just have to rethink my approach. I mean, I've done more plays than I have TV. So, it was a pace at which we work,” she added to

“And the amount of material that we had, and we were shooting consecutive scenes – was a very different process than I'd ever been on before."

Chalotra previously spoke out about why she insisted on performing her nude sex scenes herself, rather than using a body double.

She also reflected on the harrowing moment in which her character buried a dead baby in the sand after a botched rescue mission.

Elsewhere, she admitted that wearing a prosthetic hump left her with an agonising trapped nerve in her back.

Meanwhile show boss Lauren Hissrich took to social media to defend the show’s timeline after widespread confusion from fans.

She also teased a major cast shake-up in season 2 of the show, set to hit the streaming service late this year.

The Witcher is available to stream on Netflix.

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