Emmerdale served us with something a bit different in tonight’s episode, as Kerry Wyatt (Laura Norton) decided to propose to Al Chapman (Michael Wildman) in the most romantic way possible – via the medium of rap, with a bit of added robot dancing, in front of her family members and a few assorted Dingles in the Woolpack.

And, frankly, we may have to go and get our brains wiped after witnessing it.

Kerry had got herself all excited when she thought that Al was secretly buying a house for them – little realising that he was actually house-hunting for him and Chas (Lucy Pargeter). She gave him ample opportunity to reveal his secret purchase, telling him that she was the sort of person who liked to know what was in her Christmas presents before the big day arrived.

She dropped a huge hint that she was talking about houses by saying that when she’s in love she wants to sing it from the rooftops – ‘Or house.’ Subtle work, Kerry.

When that wasn’t working, Kerry decided to take the initiative and propose. She dragged Amy (Natalie Ann Jamieson) and Chloe (Jessie Elland) to the Woolpack to provide the music and moral support, and when Al arrived a somewhat drunk Kerry launched into her performance-based proposal.

A horrified Al, Chas, Cain (Jeff Hordley), Moira (Natalie J. Robb), Faith (Sally Dexter) and others looked on as Kerry launched into her rap. And yes, it was every bit as cringe as that sounds.

‘All I ask, if I’m not a minger, say yes my love and put a ring on my finger!’ Pure poetry.

Faith summed up the mood in the room. ‘After that, if I stop breathing, do not resuscitate!’ she muttered. ‘It was ‘unforgettable in the way someone doesn’t forget a near death experience,’ agreed Cain.

Kerry was quite pleased with her performance. ‘I was going to do it as a poem but I thought that might be a bit cringe,’ she admitted.

It had the desired effect, anyway, as Al was stunned into accepting the proposal, saying, ‘Of course I’ll marry you.’ But of course he has no such intention, as he told Chas later. He said he didn’t want to humiliate Kerry in public but he absolutely won’t be marrying her.

Then he kissed Chas just to seal the deal, little realising that they were being watched by Aaron (Danny Miller) – who has now issued his mum with an ultimatum to either break up with Al or Aaron will be out of her life for good.

Kerry could end up getting her way after all.

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