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It was always going to end in trouble, something that will only add to the ick, but Aadi Alahan’s (Adam Hussain) antics with married Courtney (Stephanie Davis) are about to be discovered.

In a new Coronation Street spoiler video, Dev’s (Jimmi Harkishin) face is a picture of shock, as he walks in to find the pair practically eating each others’ faces.

The affair has been going on for some time, behind the back of her husband Darren, who is also providing some great financial opportunities with Dev.

That will be at the forefront of his mind – if Darren discovers the infidelity, it would be curtains for that idea.

The clinch comes after Aadi can’t help boasting about his new, older girlfriend, right in front of Darren at a business lunch party.

Courtney looks on as he praises her and, when they meet up in the next room, she pants that she loves the risk.

They writhe together, but Dev walks in and is horrified by what he finds.

Tearing a strip off them, he slams their behaviour but is determined to keep things a secret.

It doesn’t go well though, as it isn’t long after that the penny drops for Darren.

And actor Ryan Early, who plays the oblivious businessman, warned that revenge will be on the cards.

‘Don’t cross him and certainly don’t double cross him or he will find a way of getting revenge!’ he declared.

‘He’s very sharp, he’s not young in the game, he’s seen people come and he’s seen people go, and he’s got to where he is by not letting people push him around, not letting people undercut him or be deceitful. And if they are then he’ll come for them.’

Not good news for Aadi, and Ryan detailed what could be in store for the teen.

‘I don’t think Darren is violent but there are other ways to get revenge on someone. He can certainly make sure that Aadi never earns a penny in business in the north of England, he can make things very, very hard for him.

‘And if Aadi is someone who’s ambitious and wants to make his way in the world then Darren could be a huge problem.

‘Very early on in his career he’s made a huge mistake by crossing someone who’s in the peak of his career.

Darren’s not a psychopath but he’s somebody who at the moment is very wounded. He feels like he’s lost the love of his life when he had a second shot and he’s not sure he can see a way back from it.

‘So at the moment it’s just very, very painful and being in pain can make someone get carried away.’

Time for some regrets, eh Aadi?

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