Rudy Giuliani continued to provide more late-night joke fodder than any other human alive when it was revealed over the weekend that he’d tested positive for Covid-19.

On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert pointed out that Giuliani’s diagnosis came after he spent weeks traveling around the country as he tried to prove President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. His diagnosis even prompted the entire Arizona legislature to shut down after he spent two days with Republican lawmakers there.

“So, for just a partial list of Rudy’s achievements since the election,” Colbert quipped, “he has lost 48 lawsuits, he melted on camera, he farted in court, he got Covid, and he shut down a state legislature. The only thing more embarrassing would be if he married his own cousin — he what?!”

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel compared Trump’s effusive tweet about Giuliani’s positive test to the much flatter one he sent out after his own son tested positive. Kimmel also cracked, “This Covid test is the only positive thing to come out of Rudy Giuliani in four years,” and, “He’s gone from America’s mayor to America’s sprayer.”

On The Daily Show, Trevor Noah warned people against schadenfreude and wished Giuliani a speedy recovery: “I want him to get back to the days when his hair was melting off of his head. Nobody wants to make jokes about Rudy having a deadly disease — what we want is to make jokes about how Rudy farted on camera at an election hearing.”

And on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon cracked that when the news broke about Giuliani’s diagnosis, “the coronavirus was like, ‘Dammit, I knew I should’ve worn a mask.’” He added, “It keeps getting worse for Rudy — after his test showed he had Covid, he challenged the results in court and lost.”

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