GMB: Richard asks if Iceland's First Lady would 'pick up a gun'

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Good Morning Britain presenter Richard Madeley spoke to Iceland’s First Lady Eliza Jean Reid to discuss why the country is considered to be one of the best for women on International Women’s Day on Tuesday. Turning the topic of conversation to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Madeley asked Reid if she’d be prepared to pick up a gun like the women defending their country in Ukraine. 

The 65-year-old recalled speaking to Ukrainian MP Lesia Vasylenko, who now owns multiple guns to defend her country.

“I suppose the old, well-worn expression is it’s almost like the tiger mum syndrome,” Madeley commented.

He went on to ask if Reid would be “prepared to pick up a gun” if she were in the same position.

Viewers quickly responded to his line of questioning, with Twitter user @angenevs writing: “I’m just ready for Madeley’s patronising responses to Eliza  #GMB.”

“Can Richard Madeley be any more patronising #GMB,” asked Dollsparts.

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