Piers Morgan has congratulated Ricky Gervais on his Netflix special Supernature, which has been accused of being ‘transphobic and ignorant’.

The Office star’s new special launched today and has already been blasted by audiences for derogatory jokes about the trans community, saying that ‘old-fashioned women’ are ‘the ones with wombs’ and joking about transitioning to become ‘Vicky Gervais’.

Gervais stresses in the programme though that he is actually a supporter of trans rights.

Netflix even issued the special with a discriminatory warning, warning it contains ‘language, crude humour’ and ‘discrimination’.

Morgan, the poster boy for supposed free speech, unsurprisingly defended Gervais and took the chance to come for ‘woke’ comedian Nish Kumar.

The TalkTV host tweeted: ‘Watching #SuperNature on @netflix – absolutely outrageous, fabulously offensive, hilariously funny & already enraging all the right people like @MrNishKumar who are too woke, humourless & dumb to understand the comedy.

‘Brilliant work @rickygervais.’

Kumar previously called out Gervais over his ‘lazy’ anti-trans comedy and called his 2018 Netflix special, Humanity, ‘a f**king piece of s**t’.

In his own stand-up routine, Kumar said: ‘What he’s doing is not edgy or interesting. He seems to think that it makes him an edgy or interesting comedian, it’s not.

‘All he is, is just the same as every other rich white dude comedian who gets too successful, runs out of ideas, and so just s**ts on the latest minority group.

Supernature is available to stream on Netflix now.

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