Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) has some serious suspicions about Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) in upcoming Coronation Street episodes as the businessman’s behaviour gets increasingly fishy.

Stephen’s murder of Rufus Donahue (Steven Meo) is coming back to bite him, as Rufus’s widow, Lou, is determined to find out exactly what happened to her husband. Although a coroner has concluded that he died by misadventure, Lou is certain that someone else was involved.

The police have given her a tie pin that was by the swimming pool where Rufus’s body was found and she knows it isn’t something that ever belonged to Rufus. When she showed it to Stephen he was horrified, knowing that he’d been wearing it on the night he went to Rufus’s house, drugged him and drowned him in the pool.

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Meanwhile Lou has also mentioned that Rufus’s expensive watch was missing. Peter found that in the back of his cab and he admits to Carla (Alison King) that he pawned it to pay for rehab.

When Lou tells them that the police are now investigating the missing watch and the strange tie pin, Stephen takes drastic action. He steals her hotel keys and goes to look for the tie pin, in his desperation almost getting caught when someone comes to the door.

Peter is forced to confess that he pawned the watch after Stephen overhears him on the phone to the pawnbroker. Peter is struck by Stephen’s reaction to this and concludes that he has something to hide.

Realising that there’s something very ‘off’ about Stephen’s behaviour, Peter warns Carla to be very wary of him and keep an eye on him, because he can’t be trusted.

We already know that when Stephen thinks he’s about to be exposed he has no hesitation about taking drastic action and he’s already killed three times.

Could Peter and Carla be putting themselves in the firing line with their suspicions?

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