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Brendan O’Carroll is being criticised for attempting to make a joke about Tyler Perry’s ‘colour’ on Tuesday’s episode of The One Show.

The Mrs Brown’s Boys star appeared on the BBC programme alongside Tyler after the pair starred together in new Netflix comedy A Madea Homecoming.

After speaking about their time on the set, The One Show presenters Lauren Laverne and Harry Judd put the question to Brendan as to whether Tyler could ever guest star on Mrs Brown’s Boys.

To which Brendan said: ‘He’s very expensive, and so far we haven’t had anyone of his colour in there,’ while gesturing to his own face.

‘So I don’t know if we could have him in but… I’d love that, but more importantly I’d love to do another movie with him.’

Tyler, who began laughing as Brendan made the comment, repeated the words back to him, saying: ‘Nobody my colour,’ as Brendan gestured to his face again.

Tyler laughed it off, adding: ‘Diversity rules!’

However the joke did not go down well on social media, with reactions from commentators labeling the comment from ‘cringe’ to downright ‘racist’.

‘Brendan Carol just made a racist remark on the one show and not one person called him out. Shame on you BBC (sic)’ one outraged viewer said.

Another asked if Brendan was ‘saying that Irish families don’t welcome Black People into their homes or a TV Show with Irish people?’ while another said simply that the segment was a ‘bit uncomfortable’.

One person said there was ‘no way the BBC can continue to show Mrs Browns Boys after that attempt at humour’ while another said Brendan was ‘about to get cancelled’.

‘Did he just say what I think he said?’ one viewer wrote, adding later ‘I really don’t know what to say’.

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A trailer for the new film shows Brendan in character arriving to Tyler’s character ‘s home and saying ‘Wakanda forever’ as the door opens.

As the rest of the trailer plays out, Mrs Brown and on-screen daughter Cathy make several appearances, which hints they’ll be quite integral to the film. has contacted the BBC and reps for Brendan for comment.

The One Show airs weekdays from 7pm on BBC One.

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