Tyler Whitman from Million Dollar Listing New York reflected on his two Herculanean victories of losing more than 200 pounds but also getting sober.

Whitman’s jaw-dropping story of how he went from losing 200 pounds to getting extremely lean shocked and amazed fans. But Whitman revealed he had replaced binging on food with alcohol. He got sober in April 2020 and hasn’t looked back. But he recently shared that he has to face down his food demons on a regular basis, especially during the holidays.

Tyler Whitman from ‘Million Dollar Listing’ says food cravings still remain

Whitman penned a heartfelt essay about his journey, sharing that he still fights food cravings. He realized the food cravings remained once he got sober. “I had replaced food with alcohol,” he wrote in an essay shared with The Today Show. He added, “I had to get sober. I did. It will be two years in April. The alcohol cravings are gone. The food ones are not.”

“You know those before-and-after photos of people who have lost a lot of weight? Instead of before and after, I prefer to say past and present — because it’s not as though the work is done. This transformation is something I have to show up for and do work for every day,” he asserted.

He explains what he does when temptation knocks on his door

“When I’m tempted to binge eat — and believe me, it’s often — I use a tool a life coach taught me,” he shared. “I ask myself, ‘How do I want to feel in 30 minutes?’ I don’t like feeling too full and I don’t want a sugar hangover. Just asking that simple question is often enough to keep me on track.”

“It’s a tool I plan to use over the next few weeks of holiday parties and family gatherings,” he continued. “I’ll take long walks with family members as a way of catching up one-on-one. I’ll stick with my fitness routine so that if I do indulge (and I plan to!), I’ll still have the workouts that make me feel great.”


Whitman told Showbiz Cheat Sheet in 2020 that like anyone, he deals with cravings. “I fall off the rails just like everybody else,” he laughed. “And I think it’s so easy for us to just get down and get depressed. You just need to stop and say, ‘I’m just going to do the next right thing.’ The next right thing for me is my next meal is going to be a healthy meal. It’s really that simple.”

How did Tyler Whitman lose the 200 pounds?

Whitman was very candid about his weight loss when he joined Million Dollar Listing New York. He initially maintained his weight loss using the “Chipotle” plan where he consumed a few carefully crafted burrito bowls every day. But he also explored structured programs like Whole30.

“Believe me, I tried them all,” he said about the slew of weight loss programs available. “When I was young, it was cabbage soup or Atkins; as an adult, I’ve done keto, carb cycling — you name it, I’ve tried it. I do like Whole 30 for the way it makes me feel, but that’s not ultimately how I lost the weight.”  


“In 2015, I had weight loss surgery (a sleeve gastrectomy),” Whitman shared. “That, plus exercise and a healthy diet, worked for me.”

“Once I lost the weight, things changed for me,” he said. “Suddenly, people who never paid attention to me before did. The attention came from everywhere. It made me nervous, and it made me angry, too. I couldn’t help thinking, “You a******* never gave a crap about me when I was fat.”

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