The summer series of Love Island is at risk amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Yesterday the outbreak was declared a global pandemic which means travel could be affected in the coming months as the country tries to get to grips with it.

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Love Island is set to start up again in the next few months and was expected to be filmed on the island of Majorca once again.

However holidays to Majorca are currently at risk as a number of hotels are expected to stay closed until June due to the outbreak.

There are currently 10 confirmed cases of coronavirus on the island.

Spain currently has the world's fifth-highest total of cases and its capital Madrid is undergoing drastic measures to prevent the deadly bug from spreading.

There are currently more than 1,622 cases of infections and so far 35 deaths.

Fans are now concerned the show will be postponed or moved to the UK in order to protect the singletons taking part.

Insiders told The Sun Online that the team are taking the available guidance from the World Health Organisation and Public Health England and like any big production, the team will have a contingency plan for if the virus is still around in June.

ITV had no comment when contacted by The Sun Online.

Love Island isn’t the only show that could be affected by the coronavirus – Saturday Night Takeaway’s finale in Florida is also currently at risk.

Today Boris Johnson will declare Britain has given up the fight to “contain” the coronavirus outbreak.

The PM is set to say the nation has now reached the “delay” phase and put Brits on notice that they could face sweeping restrictions on their lives.

It means the public could be told to start working from home and to scale back their socialising as the country tries to get a grip on the outbreak.

It comes as Donald Trump suspended ALL flights to the US from Europe except UK and Ireland for the next 30 days due to the killer bug.

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