A major new storyline in Emmerdale has seen Amelia Spencer (Daisy Campbell) start to develop a career as a social media influencer. As she’s racked up the ‘likes’ and started to develop a following and make some money a darker side of social media has appeared.

Basically, Amelia has a stalker. Someone she was talking to online whom she assumed to be a woman turned out to be a man called Lloyd (Matt Sutton) and it wasn’t long before he was sending her unwanted messages and behaving in a generally sinister fashion.

Liam Fox, who plays Amelia’s dad Dan, described how his character’s feelings about what Amelia is doing change.

‘He was proud of her initially because some kids would be sat there doing nothing at that age,’ he said. ‘She’s very proactive and trying to make something of herself and make some money. It took some convincing for Dan at first but once he saw what she was doing he was quite impressed with it, so he thought get on with it.

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‘But as it turns out his suspicions were confirmed.’

Dan’s first reaction upon hearing what Lloyd is up to is to go to the police. For day-to-day crimes, the police in Emmerdale means PC Mike Swirling (Andy Moore), who’s always on hand to break bad news, break up fights or break people out of prison in time for their wedding.

Despite this broad range of skills Dan’s not impressed with the police officer and doesn’t find the reaction to his complaint at all helpful, as Liam confirmed.

‘Waste of space,’ he said of the fan-favourite character. ‘Swirling’s a complete waste of space. Doesn’t want to do anything. He’s more concerned with stopping Dan from doing something he shouldn’t do.’

While Dan is disappointed that Swirling won’t take action against Lloyd – as he hasn’t committed an actual crime – Liam conceded that he does have Dan’s best interests at heart.

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‘He knows Dan, because he’s been around the village since Adam was a lad. Dan can’t see it, but he’s trying to protect an acquaintance from doing something he might do. Dan can’t see that, he just thinks the police are completely ignoring what’s going on.’

Swirling is right to warn Dan not to take matters into his own hands, but unfortunately Dan takes no notice and Lloyd is able to turn the tables on him.

‘Dan’s made a phone call leaving a bit of a threat on the voicemail, so straight away Lloyd has spoken to the police about Dan,’ Liam explained.

And from here things take a violent turn as Dan ignores all the good advice from the village bobby when he sees Lloyd and Amelia leaving the church together – and fells Lloyd with an almighty punch that leaves him badly hurt.

‘He spots Lloyd and Amelia coming out of the church and basically flips and confronts him. And that’s where the fun begins,’ Liam told us.

‘That’s the thing with Dan. He’s always been about the family so if someone messes with them that’s when he flips from being a nice guy to having to deal with it.

‘It’s not looking good. He could be charged with GBH.’

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