KATIE Price got toyboy fiance Kris Boyson a half-price nose job in Turkey – and then told pals "now I've just got to get rid of his ginger hair".

The 41-year-old wangled the operation on the cheap after having another round of plastic surgery done abroad herself.

Katie went under the knife yet again to get a breast reduction, her bum lift reversed and a face and eye lift.

But it seems Kris, 29, enjoyed the perks of her job too as pals revealed: "Kris has always been against Katie getting surgery, so everyone was shocked when he did a U-turn and went under the knife.

"He got his nose done half price in Turkey after Katie sorted him out with a deal – he has to praise the surgeon on social media.

"She's saying that she's turning him into a Ken doll, her Mr Right – and joking that 'all we have to do now is get rid of his ginger hair!' – it's a running joke between them."

Kris previously slammed Katie's surgery habits on her show My Crazy Life and even gave her an ultimatum: any more operations and it was over.

“Kris has told Katie that if she sneaks off and has surgery behind his back, he’ll be livid,” said a source.

“She’s always talking about having a facelift, or another tummy tuck, but he doesn’t see why she has to go under the knife and risk her health.

“He’s told her that if she has yet another unnecessary operation he’ll walk out on her. It’s his version of tough love – her mum is also against any more operations so agrees with him. But it’s hard to tell Katie what to do.”

Katie’s publicist has been approached for comment.

Katie admitted she doesn't like seeing young women 'looking the same' with puffy faces and lips

All her nips and tucks…

1998: Breast augmentation from a B cup to a C. Also had liposuction.
1999: Two boob jobs in one year, going to a D cup, before later an ample F.
2006: Boobs enhanced to a G cup.
2007: Rhinoplasty and veneers.
2008: Boobs reduced to a 32C.
2011: Up to an F cup, body-contouring treatment and lip and cheek fillers.
2015: Breast implants removed.
2016: More implants, Botox, lip fillers.
2017: Facelift, veneers replaced.

Katie previously boasted about getting "free" surgery on Good Morning Britain.

She said: "There is a menu. The thing is I can have surgery for nothing."

She added to stunned host Susanna Reid back in May: "Ten days ago I had liposuction up here. I had my own fat put into my bum.

"My face, the face where I look like a space invader, I had my own fat put under my eyes, and then here at the side I've had my face lifted.

"It's safer than putting chemical stuff in."

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