We know now that man of mystery Caleb Milligan (William Ash) had an ulterior motive for coming to Emmerdale at Christmas.

The official reason was to reconnect with his brother Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) and meet his sister Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and the rest of the family. But it wasn’t long before he revealed another agenda – he plans to get revenge on Kim Tate (Claire King) for her part

in the death of her late husband Frank Tate (Norman Bowler), whom we now know was Caleb’s father.

In 1997 Kim faked her own death and framed Frank for murder, resulting in him being jailed. When he was released he was shocked to get a visit from ‘dead’ Kim. In the argument that followed Frank tried to choke Kim, but then he started to have a heart attack. He begged Kim to call an ambulance but she calmly unplugged the phone.

While he lay close to death Kim poured herself a drink. She checked whether he was breathing with the mirror from a compact before using the mirror to check her makeup and walking away for good, leaving Frank to be found dead the next morning.

The question that’s always puzzled us is – how does Caleb know about any of this? There were no witnesses and Kim and Frank were alone when the incident happened. How can Caleb be so convinced that Kim is guilty that he would go to such elaborate lengths to get revenge?

‘He knows the whole back story as well, about Kim and Frank and how she basically stood over him,’ Claire King told us when we spoke to her and William Ash recently.

But how does he know this? ‘Kim opened her gob to someone, you see,’ Claire divulged. So Caleb has heard about his father’s death from another person – someone close enough to Kim to make her confide in them, but not close enough to keep her secret.

Frankly it’s still a mystery, but for now William Ash says that the revelation has left Caleb fully convinced of what a dangerous woman Kim can be.

‘I think he knows how ruthless she is because of everything he’s found out about her,’ he confirmed. ‘He absolutely does, he knows she’s really, really dangerous. She’s smart and business-savvy. He’s a tough cookie but it’s just his arrogance that gets the better of him, really.

‘In his pursuit of Home Farm he loses sight of everything else that’s going on. It becomes almost like greed and he can’t see the wood for the trees. He’s horrible to his son, he throws the rest of his family under the bus. And he hates Kim. Really, really hates what she did.’

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