The Grey’s Anatomy fall finale came earlier than fans would like this year, but it came with a package from fan-favorite, Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh). She sent a package to Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) from Switzerland that kept fans wondering the entire episode.

It turns out that this package was well worth the wait, and viewers cannot stop talking about it. Read on to find out what the package is and why fans are freaking out. Warning Season 16 Spoilers!

What was the package that Cristina Yang sent Meredith during the fall finale of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’?

At the beginning of the Nov. 21 episode, we see a text from Cristina that reads, “Did you get the package?” Meredith tells her that no, she didn’t get it yet. Then she has interns repeatedly checking the mail for her all day. By the end of the show, there is still no package, at least not in the usual sense of the word.

What we do have is a new chief of pediatric surgery who proceeds to get on Meredith’s nerves all day long. Dr. Comac Hayes (Shameless‘ Richard Flood) has a banter with Meredith that we haven’t seen since the McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey) days.

Hayes continually goes against everything that Meredith recommends until the last scene when we find out why. It turns out that the doctors who worked on his wife did not keep Hayes informed. She died, and he will always inform patients of the worst-case scenario for that reason.

At the same time that viewers find out that Hayes is also a widow, Meredith receives a text from Cristina that reads, “McWidow” with several shamrock emojis. At that moment, we realize, excitedly, that Hayes is the package.

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ fans love the chemistry between McWidow and Meredith

Fans have not been this excited about a man for Meredith since Derek Shepherd. They cannot stop raving about McWidow. Additionally, it was the perfect way to introduce him by having Cristina play matchmaker.

“A widow and a widower?” wrote one Reddit user, “What could be more perfect?”

“It’s only been an episode,” added another fan, “and I like him with her more than I ever liked DeLuca with her.”

“Mer had more chemistry with McWidow in one episode,” agreed another Redditor, “than she did the entire time with Deluca. I’m here for it.”

“Me too,” wrote yet another fan. “They introduced him [to us] how they always do—like with Addison. At first, he seems like a jerk, but soon we’ll love him.”

After just one episode, Hayes is getting more positive fan reactions than any boyfriends of Meredith have since the good old McDreamy days.

Fans are entirely over the Meredith and Deluca relationship

With the introduction of Hayes, viewers reveal just how much they hated Meredith dating DeLuca.

“I don’t think Deluca was terrible,” wrote one Reddit user, “but he wasn’t right for her. She needs someone she can banter with.”

“McWidow made my day!” added a very excited fan. “Let’s cross our fingers that Merluca is over. She had more chemistry with the new guy in two minutes than she ever did with DeLuca.”

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“He [Deluca] wants us to believe he’s so worldly and mature, but he just… isn’t,” wrote another viewer. “And that’s fine, he doesn’t need to be, but he needs to understand that he’s got a whole lot more to learn about the world, not just being a doctor. Meredith lived a whole entire accomplished life before he came into her view, and that alone would make it very hard to build a relationship.”

It is clear that fans are thrilled to see this new potential relationship for Meredith over the one with Deluca. Find out what happens next with Hayes, when Grey’s Anatomy returns to ABC on Jan. 23, 2020.

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