Justice has finally been served in EastEnders, as Gray Atkins (Toby-Alexander Smith) was arrested for his crimes.

The killer was taken away in handcuffs after an intense edition of the BBC One soap, which saw him confess to multiple murders.

Picking up from where the previous episode left off, Thursday’s (March 10) offering of the serial drama saw Chelsea Fox (Zaraah Abrahams) face Gray’s wrath, after he discovered that she’d dialled 999.

Gray, as viewers know, had confessed to murdering wife Chantelle (Jessica Plummer) moments earlier, meaning that his admission was heard by the operator and thus was recorded.

Chelsea pleaded for her life. Gray, however, took her by the throat and threatened to kill her as well. But with the police closing in, he set off to retrieve son Jordan, desperate to evade justice.

Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley), meanwhile, was appalled to discover that Mitch Baker (Roger Griffiths) believed Mick Carter (Danny Dyer) and Whitney Dean’s (Shona McGarty) claims about Gray being a killer.

Mitch explained that Gray has not only killed Tina (Luisa Bradshaw-White), but that he also murdered Chantelle, and reiterated that Whitney possessed evidence to prove that their daughter was abused by the killer for years.

Unwilling to listen, Karen kicked Mitch out.

With the police circling Albert Square, Gray soon rocked up Karen’s, asking her to prep the kids for their departure. Karen, however, was unable to stop thinking about what Mitch had said, and thus asked Gray outright if he’d killed her daughter.

Gray was appalled and proceeded to feign hurt, as he claimed he wouldn’t be capable of such a thing. But with Karen’s questioning becoming more extreme and her doubts more apparent, he was left with little choice but to admit the truth.

And he did so in a brutal fashion, explaining in detail how he killed Chantelle. Karen, heartbroken, lashed out with a baseball bat, but when her efforts failed, she smashed a window and yelled for the police to assist her.

Gray made a run for it, and his excursion led him to the Queen Vic. Little did he know, however, that Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) was inside!

Shirley inched towards the killer, kneed him in his nether regions, before smashing a bottle over his head. Mick entered the boozer to find his mum stalking Gray, before attempting to strangle him!

The landlord pulled his mum off Gray, telling her that he’s unwilling to lose her as well. But Gray subsequently got to his feet and attacked Shirley, leaving her bleeding out on the floor!

Mick attempted to apprehend the murderer, but ultimately he chose to save his mum’s life instead. Gray, therefore, evaded his grasp.

Whitney, however, spotted the killer from afar, and chased him through the Square. Gray made his way up the scaffolding, and across the rooftops of Walford.

Whitney gave chase, and confronted Gray, who was left with nowhere to run. The two foes faced off on the tracks overlooking the Square, with Whitney telling Gray how he’s a weak, pathetic individual, who thrives on controlling people.

Gray pleaded with her to let him go, telling her he cannot go to prison, but with Whitney refusing to do so, he decided that he would jump off the bridge.

But Whitney was unwilling to let him escape justice again, and thus she held on with everything she had.

Gray, however, had a plan, as he admitted that he killed Kush Kazemi (Davood Ghadami), hoping this would result in Whitney letting him fall to his death.

Whitney was horrified and heartbroken. But nonetheless, she held on to the killer for dear life, and she soon had support from Mitch, who arrived in the nick of time to stop Gray from falling.

The police were later seen taking the murderer away in cuffs, as the family members of his victims watched on.

Karen burst into tears as Gray was loaded into a cop car, with several others crowding around her to comfort her.

EastEnders continues Monday March 14 at 7:30pm on BBC One.

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