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Good Morning Britain’s Adil Ray made an awkward blunder on today’s show after a mistake on the teleprompter.

The presenter, who was joined by co-host Ranvir Singh for the programme, had been promoting its 1 Million Minutes campaign when he appeared to slip-up by saying ‘sex’ instead of ‘six’, however he was quick to point out it wasn’t his fault.

‘It opens to people in England only if you sign up by going to our website by pledging 180 minutes a week for sex…for six… sex?’ Adil read aloud.

Ranvir sat looking perplexed by Adil’s comments, to which he responded: ‘It actually says “for sex” in there! It does say that!’

Poking fun at the error, Ranvir joked: ‘Alright, Anchorman.’

Insisting the mistake was well and truly out of his control, Adil then instructed the cameramen to show viewers the prompt.

‘There you go!’ he said, as the box revealed the screen really did say ‘sex’.

 ‘That wasn’t me! That wasn’t me!’ he added.

Making light of the situation, The Mirror’s Kevin Maguire joked: ‘So you’re recommending 180 minutes for sex a week?’

Elsewhere on the show, actor Will Mellor opened up about how important having a chat is – and how he calls his mother every evening following the death of his father.

‘I lost my dad a year and a half ago,’ Will said. ‘I speak to my mum a lot, but I always think about my mum, because she’s the matriarch of the family, me and my four sisters and my dad, and she sort of did everything for everybody, very busy, and now she finds a lot of time where she’s on her own.

‘Mellors, the cafe that my sister runs, the family cafe, she’s there a lot, but in the evenings I make sure I call her every evening. We have a good chat, we have a good laugh, talk about what she’s watching – it’s important because those are the times I think people are at their loneliest is in the evening.’

The One Million Minutes MM campaign has teamed up with Chatty Cafe to support their scheme of creating tables for lonely people to chat to others at hundreds of locations around the UK.

Now in its sixth consecutive year, 2021’s 1 Million Minutes running total has blown previous years’ totals out of the water with over 104 million minutes pledged compared to 87 million minutes in 2020.

The charity initiative asks people to donate their time rather than money in a bid to combat loneliness. You can donate your time here.

Good Morning Britain airs weekdays from 6am on ITV.

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