Monty Don presents Gardeners’ World

Gardeners’ World has been slammed after stars of the show claimed they did not agree with what they’re being told to say on the show.

The BBC series has been running for 55 years and has proved to be the most evergreen of institutions, with viewers excitedly tuning in for each episode.

However, as rumours of who will take over his role begin to swirl, many gardeners have had their complaints.

Bunny Guinness, landscape architect and Telegraph columnist explained: “Gardeners have told me that [the show] gets tedious because they get told what to say and they don’t agree with what they’re told to say.

“They are quite controlled. The gardening world is evolving quicker than ever, [Keeping up] is a tough gig.” contacted the BBC but declined to comment.

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That challenge to keep the show alive and inform viewers on the correct information will fall on whoever takes over from Monty.

He recently opened up on his plans to quit Gardeners’ World in the next couple of years after feeling he needs to “give up something” when he turns 70.

Monty has presented the show since 2003 but recently told Jane Garvey and Fi Glover on Times Radio: “If they offered me more then I might take it.

“But I mean, the serious point is I will be 70 in two years’ time. Will I want to go on? I like making television programmes, I like writing books.

“To have the energy to do that and not scrabble, always that sense of scrabbling. I think I have to give something up and I’m not prepared to give up writing and I really enjoy the travel stuff I do.

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“So therefore the logical thing to give up is Gardeners’ World, which is, for all its virtues, a remorseless treadmill.”

Thanks to Monty, Gardeners’ World reached it’s highest viewing figures for five years in 2020, with one self-filmed lockdown episode pulling in an audience of 2.7m.

There have been rumours current co-presenter Adam Frost, could be set to take over the role from Monty.

Bunny Guinness added to his Telegraph column: “The two of them appeal to very different people.

“Women do like looking at a bit of eye candy, and [Don] does provide that to a certain type of woman.”

Gardeners’ World airs Friday from 8pm on BBC Two.

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