Tonight’s EastEnders saw Martin Fowler (played by James Bye) learn his estranged wife Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) had moved on. Martin was embroiled in Ben Mitchell’s (Max Bowden) dodgy dealings to try and protect his family as Ben knew it was Stacey who had tried to kill his father Phil (Steve McFadden). However Martin now seems to be regretting his actions.

Martin told Stacey he had slept with Sonia Fowler (Natalie Cassidy) to force her to leave Walford.

He was hoping to keep her away so she wasn’t found by Ben and made to pay for her actions.

Fans know Martin didn’t cheat on her but Stacey fell for his lies and has tried to start her life again away from Albert Square.

Tonight, Martin repeatedly tried to reach out to Stacey only to be left heartbroken.


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Eventually, he learned exactly why Stacey wasn’t returning his calls or messages.

A man named Jerome arrived at the Slater house where he met Jean (Gillian Wright) to pick up some belongings.

Stacey hadn’t wanted to risk returning to the Square and facing Martin.

And, her decision left her estranged husband fuming as he realised Jerome had met Stacey on the school run.

Both Jerome and Jean broke the news to Martin he is unlikely to see his children or wife for a long time.

The news was enough to send Martin to the nearest bar where he drowned his sorrows in alcohol.

After knocking back a number of drinks, he was seen staggering into the street.

He was almost hit by a car as he staggered around and became agitated when he spotted Ben.

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Losing his temper he stormed over and punched him.

Ben told the market worker to calm down and go home but Martin was furious he had cost his relationship with Stacey.

Taking another swing at Ben, he fell backwards and was last seen rolling on the road calling after Ben.

It’s clear Martin is livid with Ben for his role in losing his family and could be set to take the ultimate revenge.


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It’s not unlikely Martin will go to great lengths to make Ben pay for his loss.

Recent filming pictures from EastEnders have shown Martin waving a gun around absolutely furious.

Could Martin take Ben hostage and shoot him in a challenge Christmas plot?

EastEnders continues Monday on BBC One at 8pm.

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