Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) will forever see Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott) as the man who saved her from getting attacked by acid in Coronation Street.

The beloved character jumped in front of Justin (Andrew Still) seconds after he threw the liquid in Daisy’s direction. At the time, Ryan had no idea the it was sulphuric acid, but his screams and cries then echoed throughout the pub as Justin ran away and the layer of facial tissue started to burn.

The aftermath of Ryan’s attack has been complicated and very emotional. One of the main focuses initially was him latching onto a woman called Crystal, the Ibiza club rep he met days before the ordeal.

As the weeks ticked by, Ryan built up what he thought was a genuine connection with Crystal, unaware that Daisy was behind the phone number all along.

As a result, Ryan and Daisy’s feelings for each other started to develop. They kissed a couple of times and shared many charged moments be it during the trial, afterwards, or Daisy simply popping by for a visit.

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Ryan was adamant their friendship had to end after Daisy’s lies surrounding Crystal were revealed but as Ryan Prescott explained, while they don’t talk currently, that doesn’t mean their feelings for each other have disappeared:

‘I think there’s always going to be tension between them’, he said.

‘After you’ve been through something so traumatic with someone you are kind of bonded for life in this weird way that they can only be explained through being in that circumstance with someone – and the care that she’s shown. They’ve got really close over the past few months in particular and they do have a history of being together. And although he does hold a lot of resentment for what she’s done, and the catfishing, and even kind of blames her for the demise of his relationship with Alya, he holds these resentments inside himself because of who she is and what she shared with him.

‘I think Ryan is trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need Daisy, but deep down – I wouldn’t say he’s fallen in love with her – but it’s the next best thing.

‘He’s the first person to fight against that because of his predisposition. So it’s a very complicated relationship. I think there’s a lot more that can happen between them and there is more to happen. At this stage, Ryan comes back from Ireland wanting to project a mentality that he doesn’t need Daisy.

‘Having that two weeks space from that he’s able to come back and put her at a distance. It’s all about his pride at this point.’

As Ryan gets settled back into Weatherfield, we discover that he’s secretly set up a social media account in the hopes of boosting his confidence.

Not only that, but he’ll also turn to using steroids, thinking that if he changes how he looks on the outside, it’ll change how he feels on the inside.

‘As soon as he gets that feeling of acceptance or glorification, whether that’s through admiration or someone praising his aesthetic for his body, he’s just latching onto it’, Ryan explained.

‘Similarly to how he latches onto every relationship he’s had. He’s grasping onto something that makes him feel good just to distract himself from reality and the more he distracts himself the more he falls into denial or delusion.’

‘I think this point is where we see the start of the extent of his denial, really’, he said, reflecting on Ryan’s state of mind after time away from the cobbles.

‘It’s probably the best way to put it. It starts the journey of what he believes is his kind of restoration, his time where he’s getting back on his feet and becoming more confident, and starting to believe in himself more and come to terms with his facial scarring.

‘When he comes back from Ireland he’s fully seated in that position of denial. He’s already convinced himself that he’s getting back on his feet and this newfound interest in fitness is going to bring him out of his shell and give him the confidence he needs.

‘It gives him something to focus on and takes his mind off all the pain he’s been through and the fact he looks so different.’

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