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Sarah Barlow (Tina O’Brien) is left stunned when Adam (Sam Robertson) orders her to leave in Coronation Street, after an intruder mysteriously gains entry to their apartment.

The disturbing scenes take place next week, after Adam’s car windscreen is smashed.

Believing it to be the handiwork of adversary Jeremy Bremner, the solicitor vows to put a stop to the intimidation campaign.

When questioned about the incident, Jeremy admits to keying Adam’s car, but denies being behind the graffiti and the smashed windscreen, which leaves Adam concerned.

Subsequent scenes will see Sarah spot a bunch of flowers in her and Adam’s luxury flat in Redbank Apartments, which was seen on screen for the first time this week.

But she soon realises the bouquet was not a gift from her beau. So, how did they get there?

Well, that is the question!

The duo fish out the card, finding a disturbing note inside, which reads: ‘Next bouquet will be for your funeral.’ Sarah and Adam deduce that, because the flat door was deadlocked, whoever left the flowers could still be there.

The above clip, taken from Wednesday’s (February 9) second edition of the ITV soap, sees Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) fit new locks, which he reckons are top of the range.

Adam, however, doesn’t feel the apartment is safe enough, and therefore he tells Sarah to leave with Harry. He intends to stay there incase the intruder returns!

Will Sarah listen to Adam? Or will she decide to stay put too?

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Wednesday February 9 at 8:30pm on ITV.

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