To say Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) was stressed in Monday’s (June 12) Coronation Street is a bit of an understatement.

The businessman was delivered bad news throughout the entire day starting with Owen (Ben Hull), who is buying Carla’s (Alison King) shares in Underworld.

Owen told Stephen that once he takes over completely, he’ll be fired, which put the serial killer in a nightmare situation.

We know that Carla’s decision comes after Stephen drugged her with LSD. She regularly experienced what she thought were psychotic episodes and eventually left Underworld in Stephen’s hands, something he had been desperate to happen.

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Tonight, Stephen became aware that when Owen becomes the only boss, he won’t have anyway of getting money.

Attempting to listen to some calming music while in the office, Stephen’s anger slowly started to bubble over.

He slammed the phone down and screamed at his colleagues on the factory floor, telling everyone to leave as he started throwing equipment everywhere.

Convinced he was on his own, Stephen was stunned when he turned around to see Michael (Ryan Russell) coming out of the toilet.

Stephen explained his situation to Michael and he tried to help. While this scene just looked like Michael feeling sorry for Stephen, we have noticed a pattern emerging when it comes to this character.

Over the past few months, while Michael has started to see Stephen as a mentor at work, he’s also suspiciously been very close to him before and after committing a murder.

Following Leo’s death, Michael found Stephen outside shortly after, he nearly walked in on Stephen killing Teddy, he was outside Rufus’ house before Stephen drowned him and now this has happened – could it be a sign that Stephen is soon going to kill again?

Towards the end of tonight’s instalment, Stephen was seen swapping Elaine’s (Paula Wilcox) blood-pressure pills for caffeine ones, which will eventually lead to her collapsing and being left for dead by her partner – but will she survive this fall?

Or maybe this scene with Michael has hinted at the fact he’ll be the person who works out the truth about Stephen?

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