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Coronation Street star Ryan Prescott has discussed a potential future between Ryan Connor and Daisy Midgeley. caught up with the star, who plays Ryan on the ITV soap, to talk about what happens next following Ryan and Daisy’s shock kiss on Friday night (June 2).

Daisy, as viewers know, has been trying to support Ryan in the wake of the acid attack and, knowing he was keen to start a relationship with DJ Crystal, the barmaid started pretending to be Crystal, unintentionally catfishing him.

But one thing led to another last week, with emotions running high amid Justin Rutherford’s trial, with Daisy and Ryan ultimately sharing a kiss.

But is there a future on the cards for the two?

‘When you’ve been through something so traumatic with someone it bonds you together,’ said actor Ryan of the development. ‘That chemistry can’t be explained, it’s just there underneath the surface.

‘I think Ryan can’t quite admit to himself that he has feelings for Daisy but he definitely does. He has [had feelings for her] in the past – though he does hold resentment towards her for splitting up his relationship with Alya.

‘He found real worth in having that relationship with Crystal, so if he can get over that there’s room for something between [Daisy and Ryan] but I’m not sure.’

The British Soap Awards airs Tuesday June 6 at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX

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