Channel 4 reality show In Love and Toxic: Blue Therapy is a rollercoaster ride of a show about couple's counselling as five couples try to fix their relationship problems with the help of professionals Jo and Denise.

Annah appeared on the show with boyfriend Lucky as she wanted him to be more intentional in their relationship. She reveals in an exclusive interview with OK! that it was a difficult, raw, and emotional process for both of them.

She also admits that she and Lucky often had their differences behind the scenes when filming ended which made the process more intense.

“There were lots of arguments behind the scenes, real arguments, that carried on after filming."

Annah explains that some of those rows caused problems when it came to their next therapy sessions. She tells us: "We had those issues still hanging so we were going into therapy already angry. It’s very emotional."

Throughout the show, we've seen she and Lucky be very candid and open, discussing their feelings and delving more deeply into their relationship.

They also discus their childhoods and how they might have affected how they approached their relationship, which Annah admits was very difficult.

“It was challenging in couple’s therapy because you had to be so open and honest and transparent.

“When we started talking about things that we felt were secrets and should have stayed as secrets between us, those things were quite difficult to digest”.

Annah also opened up about the process of filming, revealing that it was often quite emotionally draining as she and Lucky didn't have much time to have a break.

“You’re always raw and open during the whole thing, you don’t get a moment to say ‘ohh’ or have a breather as it's ongoing exposure and filming", she says.

Viewers will not find out if the process has helped Lucky and Annah and saved their relationship until the end of the series.

Despite the intense nature of the process and couple's therapy, Annah says she has learned a lot about herself and because of this takes away positives from the experience.

She says: “It taught me I need to listen to myself more and and find happiness within myself first before looking for happiness from a relationship. Your partner can't make you happy, you need to come to a relationship feeling close to 100 per cent.

"You need to feel accomplished and at peace with everything in your life. You need to come to a relationship fulfilled and not thinking that a relationship will resolve some of the things you're going through."

In Love & Toxic: Blue Therapy, airs on Thursdays at 6pm on YouTube and 10pm on E4 or you can stream on Channel 4.

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