Some viewers of the King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament branded SNP’s Kirsty Blackman “miserable” as she appeared on the BBC to discuss King Charles’s first speech as monarch.

When speaking to host Nicky Campbell, the politician, 37, said: “People are sitting at home unable to pay their electricity bills and they’re sitting at home trying to work out how they are getting to the next week.

“And then you see all of this pomp and ceremony and you hear about these sapphires and rubies and it just feels so far removed from the daily lives and the daily struggles that so many people are going through.

“I’m not trying to say that tradition is not important, but right now I’m not sure that this is the right image that anybody wants to be seeing.”

When Nicky questioned whether the event was in fact a “reminder of stability and permanence”, Kirsty replied: “If people want to enjoy this ceremony then I am quite happy for them to do so, my worry is that an awful lot of people will be thinking Parliament doesn’t understand us and Parliament is really far removed from our daily lives and this doesn’t do anything to help that image.”

After the conversation aired, a user named Fiona fumed on X, formerly known as Twitter: “#StateOpeningOfParliament… what a great thing… @kirstyblackman #SDP dragging down the history of our great nation. Would be nice if she could have dressed up for the occasion too.. as the men representing #Labour and #Conservative are very smart.”

Another said: “Kirsty Blackman is such an idiot ‘there are poor people so we should get rid of all traditions’ #KingsSpeech.”

Paul wrote: “Kirsty Blackman is a proper killjoy.”

As Mark criticised: “Maximum cringe thanks to Kirsty Blackman. #StateOpening why are the SNP such a miserable, performative bunch?”

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