ASHLEY Cain has revealed the HUGE warehouse full of designer clothes that he is giving away after confronting vile trolls.

The 30-year-old star took to his Instagram Story yesterday after receiving nasty messages about the money he and partner Safiyya raised for their little girl Azaylia's leukaemia treatment before she passed away.

Cruel trolls had accused them of spending the £1.5 million on "flash cars and designer clothes", with Ashley wasting no time putting them in their place.

In fact, the grieving dad revealed that during Azaylia's battle he cleared out all of his expensive clothes after only being allowed a maxiumum of five outfits to rotate between during hospital visits.

He said it made him realise how little he needed all of the pieces, and he planned to donate them to those less fortunate.

Ashley filmed an empty room full of rails and rails of clothes, with each overflowing with high quality clothes.

Currently looking for hostels, homeless shelters, charities who will do something good with these."

There are also crates piled up, full of more items – including shoes.

He told fans: "All of the clothes that have been emptied from my house, washed, and ironed, for the people that need them more than me.

"Currently looking for hostels, homeless shelters, charities who will do something good with these."

Speaking on his Instagram Story yesterday, grieving Ashley shared: "There is a very very small percentage of people that seem to have some form of hate or bitterness towards me or my situation, and I don't understand how you can be envious or bitter of my situation because I've lost something that meant more than life itself.

"And every day it's filled with pain, yet some people think it's viable to throw shade on what I'm trying to do."

He went on to clarify that he got rid of his car during Azaylia's fight as neither he or Safiyya were able to work, and they had extra expenses including staying at a hotel close to the hospital for weeks on end.

Ashley added that they are only worried about having enough money to keep a roof over their heads and eat as he hit back at sick claims they'd spent their late daughter's charity cash on supercars and expensive clothes – stating that they don't even have access to the funding.

He went on to say that they are in the process of setting up a charity in their little girl's name, and then the money will be used to help other children fighting cancer, and their family members.

Azaylia tragically passed away in April at eight months old after a brave fight with leukaemia, which she was diagnosed with at eight weeks old.

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