Ariel Winter had a thumbs-down experience while trying to cook a new recipe in the kitchen this week.

The Modern Family star revealed on Access Wednesday that she accidentally sliced off the top of her thumb and had to take a trip to the hospital after attempting to cook Greek food at home in self-isolation.

"I had chopped four onions just before I chopped this one thing. Chopped four onions and it was great — I just got new knives too," she recalled, holding up her bandaged thumb to the camera. "So I went to chop a peeled tomato and sliced the top part of my thumb off on a peeled tomato."

The 22-year-old explained that she and boyfriend Luke Benward were both looking at her thumb and talking as the accident occurred, but it took a moment before the pair realized what had happened.

"I was so shocked … it was more like I was hyperventilating. I was like I should be crying but I just can't believe it," she said.

The actress noted that she "apparently sliced an artery" and "bled so much [that] we had to go to the hospital," adding that Benward "brought the tip of [her] finger" to the emergency room.

While being treated at the hospital, the nurse, "actually just gave [the piece of the thumb] to me in a plastic bag, and didn't like tell me that it was the tip of my thumb, so I accidentally threw it away and we had to go get it," Winter laughed.

Although the incident "definitely hurt and wasn't fun," Winter put her situation in perspective as the world battles the novel coronavirus.

"Obviously I was bleeding a lot but again it's my thumb. Like so many people are in [the hosptial] for so much worse and I was like, you know, I was perfectly fine," she said. "During all this, this is the least of anyone’s worries at all."

She added, "I sliced my thumb off and it’s sad, I’ll have a mildly sad-looking thumb, but it’ll be okay."

Aside from cooking, Winter shared that she has been picking up new hobbies to stay occupied while at home amid the pandemic.

"I picked up Pokémon Go, now occasionally I will drive around for like a mile or two in my car at night and catch Pokémon," she revealed. "It gets me out of my house and I have my windows down and I'm doing my thing."

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