WWE are reportedly considering bringing the legendary Bill Goldberg back to the ring to win the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania.

The former World and Universal champion will be inducted into the company's Hall of Fame two nights before the extravaganza in April.

But WWF Old School claim that the 51-year-old could make another stunning return following his successful comeback in 2016.

The fifth annual Andre the Giant spectacle will take place at the 34th edition of WrestleMania.

There has been huge talk that WWE plan to give the 20-man over the top event an extra push this year due to the upcoming HBO Sport documentary on the late, great Andre – a star of the company throughout the 1980s.

WWE are believed to be planning more projects with the man behind the programme (Bill Simmons) and the HBO Network if the documentary attracts a large number of viewers.

They are determined to give the Battle Royal an extra push this year.

And Goldberg's return in it would 100 per cent guarantee headlines around the world.

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