A SEATTLE Mariners fan took a legendary catch – while holding his young son and beer.

The dad was sat in the stands during the Mariners' Major League Baseball game against the Los Angeles Angels when he showed of his impressive tekkers.

After the Angels' batter on strike shanked a foul ball into the crowd, the camera panned across and captured the cool fan causally plucking the ball out of the air.

But his young son was oblivious to the impressive feat his old man had just pulled off.

Surrounding fans were quick to applaud him as the fielding father even managed to hold on to his beer.

And Twitter users around the world were also quick to revel in his actions.

Cut4 tweeted: "Barehanding a foul ball while holding your kid? We think we’ve got the fan catch of the year."

While others added "He’s still a free agent. Somebody sign him," and "Fans play better defence than the team".

JD believed it was not just a great catch and said: "Catch of the year? Dad of the year.#MLB."

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