RYAN Giggs joked that his partner was a "bully" after showing her a photo of an injury she'd given him during "rough sex", a court heard today.

The Man Utd ace – who has admitted he "never" stays faithful, either to former wife Stacey Giggs or other partners – said he and ex-girlfriend Kate Greville had a "mutual" interest in adventurous sex.

Messages between the couple were shown to jurors today. In one from 2019, Giggs showed Kate a photo of a mark on his neck. He captioned it: "Bully."

She replied: "Oops, sorry baby. I had a bruise on my arm but you can’t see it because I was so brown."

The former player said today that his remark was light-hearted – adding: "I was calling Kate a bully because I had a scratch on my neck from when we had sex."

Another exchange from 2017 was also shown to the court. In one message, Giggs told Kate he was "scared of hurting her" when she asked for sex.

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The complainant had written: "I want you so badly. Rough xx."

Giggs replied: "Do you? I'm scared of hurting you."

Kate then messaged: "I want it to hurt a little, not in a weird way, I just want you to shock and surprise me."

He said today: "My concern was just that I didn’t want to hurt her… We were going to have rough sex and there’s a fine line between rough sex and hurting Kate."

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Giggs was then asked about a row that broke out between the couple during an Christmas party at London's Stafford Hotel. It had been alleged that he had thrown a naked Kate out of their room.

He said the fight had started when she accused him of flirting with an "attractive" sports presenter. He then believed he'd spotted Kate holding hands with a male presenter.

But he said the argument had "quickly fizzled out" when they got back to the hotel and they slept together in the same bed before waking to have sex.

Giggs has previously told the court that while he is a "love cheat", he has never behaved violently towards a woman.

PR exec Kate, 36, alleges Giggs headbutted her during the breakdown of their relationship after she learned he was cheating with 12 different partners.

The defendant admits his head may have "clashed" with hers during a "tussle" when she wouldn't give his phone back.

However, he told cops: "I did not consciously try to hit Kate."

Yesterday in court:

  • Giggs admitted he's a "love cheat" who has NEVER stayed faithful
  • He claimed he and ex Kate Greville would have "rough sex"
  • The former footballer said he's "unable to resist" an attractive woman 
  • However, he says he has never behaved violently towards any of his partners or any other woman 
  • He said he did not deliberately headbutt Kate, but their heads may have "clashed" during a "tussle" when she took his phone after allegedly learning he was cheating with 12 people

The 48-year-old said tensions rose when he asked Kate and sister Emma, 26, to leave his £1.7million mansion in Worsley, Greater Manchester last November, but they refused.

He denies actual bodily harm, controlling and coercive behaviour, and assaulting Emma by beating her.

Kate alleged last week she'd been plotting her escape from their "toxic" relationship by secretly signing up for a new flat after learning of his affairs.

The couple were both married when they met each other and began an affair.

Kate left her husband six months after their romance began – but Giggs said he wanted to "have his cake and eat it" by maintaining a family life and continuing the affair.

He finally split with Stacey in May 2016 when she learned about Kate.

But the pair didn't last, and began to struggle last June before finally ending things in November after Kate accused Giggs of violence.

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The complainant claimed living with the footballer during lockdown was "utter hell" as she faced a "cycle of abuse" and became a "slave to his every need and every demand".

The trial at Manchester Crown Court continues.

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