“To lead any team is something that’s a real privilege. To lead your country, even more so.”

Scotland captain Rachel Corsie was destined to be an inspirational leader from the off. At the age of 22 she was a qualified accountant earmarked to rally a team in the office, now she is just days away from marching Scotland into their first ever Women’s World Cup.

The Aberdonian’s bright career away from the pitch has understandably been put on hold as she flourishes on it, but it is clear that the qualities that had her set for management have transferred to football as she gets ready to inspire a nation.

“It’s something I’m obviously extremely proud of,” she told BBC Scotland.

“I just want to make sure I do everything for every single one of the girls to give themselves the best environment and best opportunity to feel part of the squad, to feel comfortable in the squad, to be able to perform at their absolute best.

“I want to be someone who can enable us all to be united and to be together.”

  • From chartered accountant to Scotland captain with 100 caps
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For Anna Signeul, Shelley Kerr’s predecessor as Scotland boss who worked closely with Corsie for years, her attributes were clear to see as she was handed the captain’s armband just a year after her international debut.

“She’s so ambitious and so thorough in everything she does,” said the Swede, who coached the Scottish national women’s team for 12 years.

“From when she was young in school, when she did her university degree and when she did her practice they just wanted her into management immediately, she could’ve got a job as a line manager at 22 years old.

“She’s a great captain, a great football player.”

Corsie, who now plays for the Utah Royals, believes this summer’s World Cup could pave the way for young girls across the country to have their eyes opened to football.

The Uefa B licensed coach said: “It’s even more important that we realise those dreams for younger generations coming through.

“So that there is a little girl who’s eight or nine years old who’s playing in the park and who loves football as much as I loved it then, and still do now, and she does understand that if that really is her dream, then it’s possible.”

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