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Welcome to July, Pisces! The month starts out on rocky terrain as Mars, the planet of war, squares off against Pluto, the planet of destruction. You’re feeling more called to speak up for your values. Hidden agendas in friendships can surface under this transit. If someone is showing you a side of themselves you’ve never seen before, take notice. A few days later on July 4, Mars shifts gears and enters sensual Taurus. Words become your weapon and you’re not one to pick a fight with. You may also be investing more time and energy into learning a new skill, or just finding that your schedule is overbooked. Carve out time for rest as needed and don’t be afraid to say no. The energy lightens as Mercury enters Cancer on the same day. You’re feeling more driven to have fun—enjoy!

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13 highlights more drama in your friendship groups or extended network. Hidden agendas or taboo conversations can take place as this Full Moon sits close to Pluto. Power struggles will become a central focus. If you’re noticing an unhealthy dynamic, this is a time to reflect and explore that. A moment of clarity arrives on July 16 as the Sun and Mercury sit together at the same point in the sky. Mercury, the planet of information and communication, gains strength as it bear hugs the Sun. Expect breakthroughs regarding your creativity, self-expression, and ways to make your life more joyful. The following day on July 17, Venus, the planet of love and affection, joins the party in Cancer. Romance is on your mind. This is an aligned time for dating, as well as for working on creative projects.

On July 19, mental Mercury enters life-of-the-party Leo, but you’re focusing on work and your daily routine. This is an important time to reflect on your work/life boundaries and adjust accordingly. The Sun enters Leo on July 22 and adds even more attention to your day job. You could be recognized for your hard work or perhaps be up for a promotion. Just remember: You’re always deserving of rest—don’t overdo it! Battles of the ego flare up on July 26 as Mercury in Leo has a showdown with Mars in Taurus. Conversations can turn personal at work and some co-workers can test your patience.

The New Moon in Leo on July 28 signals a fresh start for your habits, day job, and health. This is a supportive time to kick bad habits and replace them with something better. You don’t need to continue operating in a cycle that’s more harmful than helpful. Remember, the smallest changes can make the biggest differences over time. This New Moon could also signal a promotion or new job opportunity with promise of a financial increase. On the same day, Jupiter stations retrograde in your house of values, turning your focus inward as you reflect on your self-worth. The month ends with a pile of work on your desk on July 30 as Mercury in Leo sits across from Saturn in Aquarius. Pressure from your job can feel insurmountable. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to ask for help.

Cosmo Merch: Pisces

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