Christmas films are an essential part of the festive experience in my opinion (and any sane person's opinion too).

The classics are undeniably great. I am partial to getting cosy on the sofa to watch It's a Wonderful Life, Elf, Love Actually, Home Alone and The Grinch, while I particularly enjoy what National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation brings to the table.

However, there's an elite genre of Christmas movie that is particularly thrilling for me. In fact, it's become my favourite thing about December – the Netflix original Christmas movies.

Each film contains the same few things: a town who's whole lives seem to revolve around Christmas, someone who's spirit needs revitalising and an epic love story at the centre. But, as trashy as they are, I genuinely believe they are better than the classics. here's why…

The twinkling snow-coated towns where everything happens between December 20th-December 25th contain hundreds of residents who are willing the main character to get their happy ending – it's a perfect antidote to real life.

They don't pretend to be anything they are not. They are not cinematic masterpieces – nobody is giving them Oscars or BAFTAs and, to be honest, they don't want them. Instead they give themselves the freedom to make the scripts as cheesy as humanly possible, and indulge in every Christmas cliché going.

They are a chance for me to switch my brain off completely and indulge in my most basic festive fantasies.

And they are not just reserved for a Sunday afternoon anymore. Oh no. My lunchtime walks have been swapped for a 1pm date with my TV and instead of spending my evenings tuning into satellite channels I find myself ferociously searching the Netflix 'Holidays' section.

Yesterday I even flicked through my diary, looking for any openings where I could squeeze in a film screening. It has got that serious. Maybe I should be worried about how far my addiction has come, but how can you be mad at something that brings you this much happiness?

It all began when Vanessa Hudgen's Science Teacher character ended up falling in love with a medieval Knight who'd accidentally time travelled to present day in The Knight Before Christmas. Excellent movie title. Excellent plot. Excellent casting. No notes.

We see Vanessa pop up again in Princess Switch. Here, she plays two identical women who are not related in anyway. And did I mention they met at a cake baking competition and one of them is in the royal family. Of course they decide to swap places. Parent Trap, who?

You think it can't get any better, then they bring out two sequels where a third women is introduced. This time a naughty cousin of the Queen, who often says "Meow" for reasons unknown. I did question why I went into writing and not acting, when Vanessa got to simultaneously fall in love with three handsome actors. So. Much. Kissing.

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Recently, I've been blessed with A Castle for Christmas. Writer Sophie moves into a castle she is thinking of buying after her Grandad told her about it. I do that literally all the time, as I'm sure you do too.

Of course, she's not living alone, she's there alongside a grumpy local Scotsman – the Duke of Dunbar – and makes herself at home in the quaint town that gets out the tartan at any opportunity.

She joins a knitting club that takes place in a pub. Nobody ever buys a drink but the barman doesn't mind at all. The members all seem to have a lot of time to help Sophie out decorate her bedroom at the drop of a hat – I think jobs are an optional extra in this town.

Of course Sophie falls in love with the Duke, and I couldn't have been happier about it.

I went straight from the ending credits to Father Christmas is Back which follows four sisters, who are mad at their dad for leaving them on, you guessed it, Christmas day. Their surname is Christmas which made me squeal with delight. It also stars Elizabeth Hurley, who wears horrendous outfits but works as a Fashion Editor. We love to see it.

I've spent hours watching titles from Holidate, A Christmas Prince (all three), Christmas Inheritance and The Holiday Calendar, and not a single minute was wasted.

Some of it may be unrealistic and the plots are predictable, but isn't that the very thing that make them beautiful and feel so safe. The point is not to question what facts we are presented, but to believe in the magic of Christmas – even if it's just for 90 minutes.

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