Recently, Prince Harry has been on a mission to stop the media from invading his privacy and attacking his wife’s character. A few weeks ago, Meghan Markle decided to sue the Daily Mail and Mail On Sunday after her husband issued a statement saying how upset he was that the publication had published a handwritten letter that the Duchess of Sussex had written to her father just before she and Prince Harry got married.

Not only is Duchess Meghan suing the popular tabloids for allegedly altering her personal letter to her father, but it was also recently announced that Prince Harry is going to be suing two other publications for allegedly invading his privacy. While Prince Harry is not the first royal to ever sue a global publication, there are several rumors that suggest that the royal family is embarrassed by the recent spectacle the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are causing from their lawsuits.

So, is the royal family really upset about the recent lawsuits that Markle and Prince Harry have filed? And if so, is the family justified?

While Prince Harry and Markle’s recent legal action may be gaining some unwanted attention to the royal family, the duke and duchess’ actions are hardly the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the royal family lately.

Why is Prince Harry suing the tabloids?

While Prince Harry and Markle were touring Africa, it was announced that the young prince had had enough of the media constantly trying to villainize his wife. In a letter that was made public, Prince Harry alleged that the media has continued to spread lies about his wife and had even edited a personal letter that Markle had written to her dad in order to make her look bad.

Prince Harry stated that he could no longer stand silently by and watch the media tear his wife down. He also said that the actions of the media could potentially be dangerous for Duchess Meghan.

“Through this action may not be the safe one, it is the right one,” Prince Harry said in the statement. “I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditized to the point that they are no longer seen or treated as a real person.”

Not long after that letter was published, it was announced that Prince Harry would also be suing The Sun and Daily Mirror for allegedly gaining illegal access to his phone and private voicemails.

Is the royal family embarrassed by Prince Harry’s recent lawsuits?

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This morning, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was christened in the Private Chapel at Windsor Castle at an intimate service officiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are so happy to share the joy of this day with members of the public who have been incredibly supportive since the birth of their son. They thank you for your kindness in welcoming their first born and celebrating this special moment. Their Royal Highnesses feel fortunate to have enjoyed this day with family and the godparents of Archie. Their son, Archie, was baptised wearing the handmade replica of the royal christening gown which has been worn by royal infants for the last 11 years. The original Royal Christening Robe, made of fine Honiton lace lined with white satin, was commissioned by Queen Victoria in 1841 and first worn by her eldest daughter. It was subsequently worn for generations of Royal christenings, including The Queen, her children and her grandchildren until 2004, when The Queen commissioned this handmade replica, in order for the fragile historic outfit to be preserved, and for the tradition to continue. Photo credit: Chris Allerton ©️SussexRoyal

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While many people are proud of Prince Harry for standing up for himself and his wife, there are many sources that are claiming that the royal family is not impressed with the Duke of Sussex’s recent lawsuits. 

Cosmopolitan reports, citing Daily Express royal correspondent Richard Palmer, the royal family does not support the lawsuits and is, in fact, quite embarrassed by Prince Harry’s recent actions against the tabloids. In a tweet, Palmer stated that the entire royal family is trying to distance themselves from Markle and Prince Harry. Palmer further claims that “even the couple’s aids seem embarrassed by their actions.”

Should the royal family be embarrassed by the lawsuits?

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Happy Canada Day! Heureuse Fête du Canada! ?? ? Canada is a very special place for both The Duke and Duchess. The Duke has been fortunate to visit the country several times throughout his life, including as a young child and most recently for the Invictus Games in 2017, where the now Duchess joined him to lend her support. The Duchess lived and worked in Toronto for many years and also spoke at the One Young World Summit held in Ottawa. Earlier this year Their Royal Highnesses attended an event at Canada House in London to mark Commonwealth Day where they had the chance to meet many young Canadians doing great work here in the UK and around the world. Their Royal Highnesses have always been touched by the warmth, friendliness and hospitality of the Canadian people. They hope to be able to visit again as a family, and they send their great thanks to all of the kind Canadians who have sent such special gifts for Archie! We hope you enjoy celebrating Canada Day with your family and friends!

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While we can see why the royal family may not want any of the negative attention that a lawsuit might bring, we have a hard time believing that they are actually embarrassed by it. Especially when you consider the controversy that is surrounding Prince Charles’ younger brother: Prince Andrew.

Earlier this year, multi-billionaire, Jeffery Epstein was charged with illegal sexual actions, including sex trafficking girls as young as 14 years old. While it has not been confirmed yet, there have been many speculations that Prince Andrew may have taken part in Epstein’s sick and illegal practices.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre linked Prince Andrew to Epstein’s inner circle. In a recent interview on Dateline, Giuffre alleged Prince Andrew first started abusing her when she was only seventeen years old and that Epstein “trafficked” her to Prince Andrew.

While Prince Andrew’s involvement in the illegal sex slave ring has not been confirmed, we would think that if the royal family was going to pick a family member to be embarrassed by, they would pick the one who was friends with a convicted sex offender, not the one who is trying to keep his wife safe.

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