Travel influencer hits back at trolls who accused her of having ‘rich parents’ after she urged people to ‘just book a flight’ to Thailand

  • Kat Crittenden declared all her viewers should ‘come to Thailand’ in a TikTok
  • Commenters felt the message was out of touch with people’s financial reality
  • After being accused of having ‘rich parents,’ the creator firmly rebuked the claim

A travel influencer had some choice words for those who’d leveled accusations that ‘daddy’s money’ funds her jet-setting lifestyle.

The initial backlash toward the creator, Kat Crittenden, came following a clip of the California native basking in the sun while submerged in clear, turquoise water at a swimming spot in Thailand. 

‘What are y’all still doing in America? Like, this could be 5:30 on a Thursday night for you if you just book a freaking flight,’ Kat gushed in the seven-second clip, posted to TikTok in mid-August.

‘Like, come to Thailand. This should freaking sell you. Get your a** out here,’ she concluded.

Creator Kat Crittenden drew ire from viewers after suggesting that everyone should leave America and come to Thailand

The seemingly out-of-touch remarks rubbed many the wrong way, with a top comment reading: ‘I don’t have rich parents’

The top comment on the vid, racking up nearly 40,000 likes, bluntly rebuked that notion in stating: ‘I don’t have rich parents.’

To this, Kat responded in her own comment: ‘I only have one parent and she ain’t rich lol.’

Kat then crafted a lengthier, more biting response to that comment – also addressing others like it – in a 27-second video filmed from the same swimming spot and posted the following day.

‘Dude, my favorite thing is when I post TikToks in places like this’ – she gestured at a screenshot of the ‘rich parents’ remark – ‘and all the comments are like, “daddy’s money,” “it’s her parents’ money,”‘ she began.

‘Is it? Is that why my only vacation and traveling growing up was going to Wisconsin in the summer to visit my family?’ she fumed.

‘Is that why? Like, yeah, I traveled with my dad’s money. That’s why my entire summers up until I was 18 would be hopping through cornfields in Wisconsin,’ she continued.

Kat went on to state that she didn’t even leave the United States and ‘barely’ left her own state of California until she ‘started traveling alone when I was 18.’

‘So if you comment that…,’ she finished the sentence by raising her middle finger to the camera.

The comment that really irked Kat racked up nearly 40,000 likes

A day later, Kat posted a biting response to the comment – clarifying that she did not in fact have ‘rich parents’ and hadn’t even left the United States until she’d turned 18

The content creator concluded her response by raising her middle finger to the camera

The caption emphasized: ‘I am endlessly grateful that I had the ability to go see my family and this video is not complaining about that AT ALL, it’s emphasizing that I travel with my money and I worked for this and saved for this for years myself.’

But that wasn’t Kat’s final say on the matter.

Earlier this week, she posted a new video in which her tone turned decidedly more empathetic as she announced a lottery for a $500 flight voucher to any airline of the winner’s choice. 

‘After seeing all the comments on my recent viral video, and seeing how many people would not be able to pay for a flight, I decided I’m going to help you guys out with that,’ she said of the giveaway. 

‘Anyways, good luck to everyone who enters. I really just want to help someone to get out there, be able to explore the world.’

Representatives of Kat’s further shared a statement with on the matter: ‘First and foremost, Kat wishes to acknowledge and deeply apologize for any insensitivity conveyed in her recent video encouraging travel. 

In a TikTok from earlier this week, Kat declared she’d be giving away a $500 flight voucher to one lucky winner, saying, ‘I decided I’m going to help you guys out’ with air travel costs

‘While her intention was purely positive, she recognizes the concerns raised by many, especially in light of the current economic challenges.

‘Kat’s passion has always been to inspire others through her travel experiences. Her goal with the video was to motivate others to explore and step outside their comfort zones. However, she understands that the timing and delivery might have been off.’

The statement continued to say that the creator ‘never intended to appear dismissive of the genuine struggles people face daily.’

‘She greatly values the feedback and perspectives shared, viewing them as reminders of the significant responsibility that comes with her public platform,’ it added.

‘Although Kat has worked diligently since the age of 15, holding various jobs to fund her travels, she acknowledges the privileges she now experiences as a successful content creator.’

The statement concluded: ‘In the future, Kathryn is committed to being more mindful and considerate of the broader context in which her content is presented. We remain thankful for the unwavering support and understanding of her audience and promise to learn and grow from this experience.’

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