OYSTERS, chocolate and asparagus – aphrodisiacs that are thought to get you in the mood.

But what foods can ruin your performance in the sheets?

Decreased libido could be due to mineral and vitamin deficiencies, which can also cause tiredness, low mood and affect hormones.

Dr Neel Patel, GP at LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, said: "Issues affecting your sexual performance, such as erectile dysfunction, can be linked to food."

A number of health conditions directly linked to diet, such as diabetes, impact erection.

"Having a balanced diet is one of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy sex life," added Dr Patel.

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Here, experts reveal what foods to avoid if you want passion in the bedroom…

1. Alcohol 

Being drunk may ruin the vibe here and there. But it can also impact your sex life long term if you drink too much.

Dr Patel: “Excessive consumption can restrict blood flow to the penis, causing erectile dysfunction.”

Both men and women can experience reduced sensitivity after drinking alcohol, Drinkaware says.

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Alcohol Change UK also warns that longer-term, heavy drinking in men "may lead to shrinking of the testes, reduction in the size of the penis, loss of pubic and body hair and, as a complication of cirrhosis [liver disease], enlargement of the breasts".

One review of research found that women who drank alcohol had a 74 per cent increased likelihood of sexual dysfunction, such as desire and arousal.

2. Fatty foods

Dr Patel: “High fat meals can also cause sexual difficulties. 

“High cholesterol and obesity are two contributing factors to developing atherosclerosis, where arteries become hard and narrow due to a buildup of plaque. 

“This can result in reduced blood flow to the penis and make it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection.”

The NHS recommends cutting back on saturated fat, and including more unsaturated fat in the diet.

It means swapping fatty meats, hard cheeses, cream, biscuits, cakes and pastries for olive oil, avocados and nuts.

Nutritionist Dr Pamela Mason from the Health and Food Supplements Information Service said: “Processed foods in excessive amounts may mean that you put on weight and feel more tired. This will not help sex drive in either men or women.

"Overeating of any sort will reduce sex drive and weight gain is a key risk factor for faltering libido.

"Plus, those eating diets high in processed foods will be missing out on vital nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin D and B12, plus other B vitamins that all fuel our wellness needs.

“Bridge those dietary gaps with a multivitamin and multimineral alongside a healthy diet to keep your body healthy, happy and your libido health energised.” 

3. Sugary treats

Dr Patel: “A high sugar intake can also impact sexual performance, as it can lead to diabetes which can affect your nerves and blood vessels. 

“This in turn causes erectile dysfunction and reduces sex drive.” 

Men with diabetes are three times more likely to have trouble getting or keeping an erection, according to Diabetes UK. 

What to eat to boost your sex life

GP Dr Clare Bailey from www.thefast800.com said if you’re looking to improve your sex life, many beneficial foods fall under the Mediterranean diet. 

She said: “A Mediterranean-style diet has been shown to improve sexual function in both men and women.”

1. Salmon

Dr Bailey said fatty fish such as salmon and mackrel are rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not produced by the body but are essential for it to function.

They have been shown to “help increase testosterone levels in men, and this crucial hormone plays a big part in sex drive and performance,” said Dr Bailey.

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been “suggested to prevent buildup of plaque in your arteries”.

“This promotes blood flow to those all important areas of the body during sex.”

2. Pistachio nuts

If you fancy nuts for a snack, choose pistachios for a bedroom boost. 

“Pistachio nuts are rich in protein, fibre and healthy fats. They help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease (which can lead to side effects such as sexual dissatisfaction),” said Dr Bailey.

“A lesser known benefit is that they may also help reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

“One study showed males who consumed 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of pistachio nuts daily for three weeks experienced firmer erections and increased blood flow to the penis.”

3. Leafy greens

Another important nutrient for male hormones is magnesium, found in avocado, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds and bananas.

Dr Bailey said: “Leafy greens such as spinach, kale and Swiss chard are excellent sources of magnesium, which has been shown to positively affect testosterone levels. 

“A 2011 study found that taking magnesium supplements for four weeks promoted an increase in testosterone levels regardless of whether they were active or sedentary individuals.”

4. Beetroot 

“Beetroots are high in vitamins and antioxidants, and are particularly high in nitrates which may make this a good food to improve your sex life,” said Dr Bailey.

“Nitrates expand blood vessels and improve blood flow.”

Improved blood flow may help men's erections as well as their stamina, Dr Bailey suggests. 

“Some studies have shown that beetroot juice given as a single dose or over a few days may improve performance at intermittent, high-intensity efforts and improve indicators of muscular fatigue,” she said. 

5.  Kimchi

Kimchi is a great addition to your diet because it’s a natural probiotic.

Probiotics can help improve the bacteria in your gut, which in turn, can have a domino effect on your physical and mental health.

“Fermented foods, such as kimchi, are packed with probiotics, vitamins and minerals and have also been shown to help to reduce stress and anxiety, perhaps due to their impact on your gut microbiome,” says Dr Bailey.

“One study of 710 young adults, in particular, found that those who ate fermented foods experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety. Less stress and anxiety equals a more fulfilled sex life!

“Stress has a really bad effect on your libido and sexual functioning.”

6. Seeds and chickpeas

Seeds and chickpeas can be beneficial for women going through or after the menopause, when the hormone oestrogen depletes.

Among the dozens of symptoms of the menopause include reduced sex drive, vaginal dryness and irritation.

Dr Bailey said some foods, such as flaxseeds, sesame seeds, and chickpeas, contain phytoestrogens, which may “act in a similar way to oestrogen, an important female sex hormone”.

7. Flaxseed 

Some 29 per cent of women aged 19-64 and 22 per cent of women over 65 years have low blood folate levels, according to a new report from the Health and Food Supplements Information Service (HSIS).

“Folic acid deficiency may be a risk factor for poor libido in that it may impair nitric oxide metabolism,” said Dr Mason.

“Nitric acid is a vasodilator that helps blood flow to the female genital area and improves sexual function.”

Flaxseed contains folic acid among a number of other nutrients such as B vitamins, which can help reduce tiredness. 

8. Ginseng 

Ginseng is a root that can be consumed raw, cooked, or even easier, in a tea or supplement. 

Dr Mason said: “Ginseng has long been used traditionally as a botanical to help improve sexual function. This use in modern times is borne out by scientific findings. 

“A clinical trial in 62 menopausal women showed that a Panax ginseng [Korean ginseng] supplement could improve sexual function, as well as reducing hot flushes, with hot flushes not being great news for libido health. 

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“A review of studies also showed that Panax ginseng may improve sexual performance in men.”

It is thought ginseng may improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction by decreasing oxidative stress in tissues and enhancing blood flow in penile muscles.

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