DEAR DEIDRE: MY wife told the police I had beaten her up.

It wasn’t true and I’ll never forgive her for it. I can’t believe things have become so toxic between us.

My wife is 32, I’m 35 and our son is five.

My wife started an affair two years ago, but constantly denied it.

She always had a good way of manipulating the situation so it looked as if I was in the wrong.

When I showed her the proof, she left, taking our son with her. She said that if I told any of her family about the affair, I’d never see my boy again.

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She made life so difficult and wouldn’t cooperate when I arranged access visits.

Last week, the police turned up at my house saying that I had been accused of domestic violence.

She knows how much that will hurt me as I have always said that violence against women is the worst thing in the world. And of course it could affect my access rights.

DEIDRE SAYS:  You must keep fighting for the sake of your son.

Your wife will have no proof of you beating her.

You may have proof of her threats on your phone, which will help the police to see you are innocent.

You can find support through The Defendant (, a charity that helps those accused of domestic violence or rape to understand more about any charges against them.


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