DEAR DEIDRE: I HAVE been married for three years and I’m worried I’ll never get my wife pregnant.

I’m 45 and she is 39.

My job as a builder is very physical and I’m often too tired for sex but when we want to do it, I need a bit of help to get hard.

I have been prescribed Viagra which does the job but there is no spontaneity, which we both find disappointing.

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My wife worries there must be something wrong with her because she’s not getting pregnant, but it’s got me thinking – if we have sex and I’ve taken Viagra, can she still get pregnant?

We’ve been trying for the past six months and nothing is happening.

DEIDRE SAYS:  Yes, she can still get pregnant, but conception depends on her menstrual cycle and working out the time she’s most fertile.

You can find out more by researching fertility calculators which are available online.

Unless there is a medical reason for your erection difficulties, it may be down to performance anxiety – you worry about not getting an erection and then the stress of it all causes failure.

Try having sex in the morning when you may not need medication and you’ll be less tired. Conception may happen naturally then.

My support pack Solving Erection Problems offers alternative advice to help.

If there’s still no positive pregnancy test after a year or more, do talk to your GP.


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