DEAR DEIDRE: BECAUSE of my abusive father, my friends refuse to come and visit me.

My dad, who’s 57, is homophobic and racist. He doesn’t have any filter.

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I’m a man of 25.

He makes cruel comments about my weight when we are out, telling checkout staff in shops I shouldn’t be buying biscuits or cakes – yet he puts them in the trolley.

He thinks he’s funny but it’s mortifying.

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I’ve got some mates who are gay and he made a comment about being “surprised their car wasn’t pink” and said things to my best mate, who is black, that I can’t repeat.

He’s making my life hell.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your dad is living in the dark ages with these attitudes.

You could explain that his comments and opinions are not cool and might get him into trouble – but sadly, I doubt you will change him.

The time may be right for you to save up for a deposit so you can move out into a house-share or get a place of your own.

You will see you are not alone if you log on to

NEXT IN TODAY'S DEAR DEIDRE I pretend my wife is my colleague from work whenever we have sex – is that bad?

READ DEIDRE'S STORIES Elliot is caught by his friend Lucas wearing tights to work

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